The mad man Part 5

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Returning to Hogwarts was like coming home. I loved the old castle already. I hoped that my interaction with Professor Snape would be better now and we could become friends. But this was not to be, he went out of his way now to ignore me. I was greatly confused, nearly angry. Why was he like that towards me, what had I done that offended him so greatly?

Then the students returned and we were busy once more. It was good to be teaching again and it took my mind off other matters. 

Shortly after, the term had started, I found a parchment. When I opened it a key fell out, the parchment itself was completely empty. It puzzled me and I was sure that I must have come across a magical artifact and that there must be a way to unlock the parchment. Suddenly a map appeared, the map seemed to be leading to a garden. I laid it down to finish my morning dress and saw that the map, as well as the writing, disappeared again, but each time I lifted it up again the map reoccurred. I loved my new secret it was exciting.

As soon as I could get away I took my newly found map and went in search for this garden. The map lead me to a huge cluster of hedges. I did find a door, however, after some searching between the branches. I used the key to unlock the door then I slipped inside. I seemed to be standing in a garden, it was a little overgrown, but I could already see its potential for great beauty. With a bit of work, it could be restored to a magnificent garden. I had some time to spare, so I started to clear away loose branches for it was jet to cold and the ground too hard to do much else. From then on I slipped off to work in my garden as often as I could and as the days grew warmer, I was able to plant bulbs and seeds. When spring returned to Hogwarts daffodils and tulips were already growing in my garden. I wanted to restore the garden to its former greatness and then open the doors for others so we could enjoy the beauty and the tranquility together.

In those same days, news spread that a very dangerous man had been able to escape from Azkaban. He had been sent to Azkaban for multiple murders, but it had been a case of mental illness. He had lost his daughter in a tragic accident and never learned to cope with the loss and eventually lost his mind. He now thought that everybody was the potential murderer of his daughter, or on occasions that she was still alive and living at Hogwarts. Now it was said that he was heading for Hogwarts, to see his daughter. Until this man had been found students could no longer safely enter the grounds without further safety measurements, or they were heavily accompanied by armed staff members. Staff members too were strongly advised not to go outside without further safety measurements. I realized that I should perhaps not be going to my garden. But then, it was only a very small distance between one of the side doors of Hogwarts and my door to the garden. As I would be safe inside my garden I decided to take the risk and continued my work. 

One day I was walking through the corridor when I came across Professor Snape. He saw me and this time he did not hurry past, he came directly towards me. When he stood in front of me he said in a commanding voice. „You are not to wander outside." I was so taken back that I didn't answer. He left straight after.

I was angry and hurt, ever since we met he had treated me with arrogance, spite, and disregard, even after I saved his life. I felt like crying. I had to get out and just to spite him I went to my garden. Here I knew I would be alone and I could calm down. I didn't notice that a small branch had gotten stuck in the door and when I threw the door shut, still upset, it never properly shut and I never checked it either. I grabbed a spade and dug and dug and while I dug, I finally calmed down. I was so very confused by the way he treated me and why it upset me so much.  I remembered the day I was holding him helpless and how I had seen in his face that he too was vulnerable. I thought again about the possibility of him having been hurt deeply and that this might affect his behavior. I just didn't understand my own involvement.

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