Chapter One

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I was in Spanish, having a scripted conversation with my assigned partner, Julie, when the principal came into the classroom. He said something about me to Señor and went back out to the hallway. I only know this because I heard my name mentioned in the whispered conversation they were having only a few feet away from my desk. Julie was talking about the supermarket and fruits she was buying when Señor walked over to my desk and asked me in English to go out to the hall.

That was the second thing that alarmed me: Señor never spoke English in his class. Never.

I stood from my desk and asked Señor if I should take my stuff. He nodded slowly and quickly adverted his eyes. He went over to another student and started helping her, even though she never raised her hand.

I slowly picked up my backpack and stuffed my notebook in. I looked over at Julie just as she looked down, idly caressing with the wolf's mark on her neck, refusing to meet my eyes. People watched as I left the classroom; conversations were shifted from Spanish workbook conversations to whispered rumors behind my back.

After opening the door, I was greeted by the principal, in his smart, dark gray suit, and another man in casual jeans and t-shirt. I quickly eyed the stranger: tall—about six foot—with disarming gray eyes. He smirked at me and I quickly drew my eyes to the floor. I could feel the testosterone rolling off of him in waves. There was no denying it, they all had that same dominant aura—werewolf.

I tightened my hold on the strap around my left shoulder and stared at my shoes. "What's this about, Mr. Graham?"

"Come with me, Phoebe." He motioned down the hall. The man beside me didn't quit smiling as we walked back to the main office. Once in the principal's office, he gestured to the cushioned seats and I obeyed while the stranger remained standing beside the door. "Phoebe, I understand that you are eighteen, correct?"

I shook my head. "I'll be eighteen in a week."

Mr. Graham looked surprise. He pulled a file on his desk closer to him. After examining it for a minute, his brow furrowed and he swore under his breath. He dropped his reading glasses on the desk and wiped his face in exasperation. "I see."

The man behind me shuffled impatiently from foot to foot. Mr. Graham picked up the phone and began dialing a number on the paper in front of him "We'll have to contact your parents, then."

"Cut the shit. They already know about it. They're packing her up right now." The man behind me finally spoke; his words made me tense.

"What is going on?" My voice hardened, narrowing my eyes at my principal.

Mr. Graham slowly dropped the receiver and straightened his already—impeccable suit jacket, glancing irritably at the man. "As you know, Phoebe, there are supernaturals in this world. One of them being werewolves—"

A bang from behind made me jump to my feet and whirl around to face the source of the sound. The man was practically red as a tomato as he spat his words, "Enough of the history lesson! Either you spit it out, or I will."

"Yes, yes." The principal called my attention back, but I continued to glare at the man.

"Who the hell are you?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He smirked. "I'm your goddamned escort."


Mr. Graham cut me off in a rush, "Phoebe, it appears that you have been summoned by Alpha Alexander. There has been speculation that you are his mate. He has requested to formally meet you."

My mouth dropped. "Alpha Alexander?" I squeaked.

I backed up when Mr. Graham nodded in confirmation. A pair of hands suddenly caught me around the shoulders and dragged me out of the office. I screeched, struggling against the man's strength. The entire office watched as I was dragged out of the school. No one spoke; no one moved. The second I was out of sight, I swear I heard them shuffling papers around and taking calls as though the scene I had caused never happened; or happened often enough that it wasn't a big deal anymore.

Once out of the school, the man threw me—literally—into the back of an SUV. I tried both doors; childlock. He climbed into the driver's seat and turned around before starting the car up. "Listen, sweetheart, nothing's gonna happen to you. Boss said not to touch you in any means that would harm you. Besides, I'm not the type of guy to hurt a girl, know what I mean? Just sit tight. 'Kay?"

I scowled at him. "Care to explain how any of this is necessary? If Alpha Alexander truly wanted to meet me, he could have just visited me at home instead of kidnapping me."

"No can do. Your parents were a bit reluctant on letting their only daughter see a monster who might possibly be her other half." He smirked.

My parents said no to Alpha Alexander. The shock of the realization rattled the very rules beaten into our minds since the werewolves entered the population years ago: Never deny a werewolf their mate. Wait a minute . . .

I scooted up to lean against the front seats, closer than I wished to be near my kidnapper, but I needed answers. "How do I know he's really my mate?"

"Oh, trust me, darlin'. You'll know." He turned onto an unfamiliar street. As a safety protocol, no humans were to know the location of the local pack house. Only the mates of werewolves knew, and were sworn to secrecy. Julie was claimed by the pack's Beta less than a year ago. Immediately, she was expected to move-in with him. I've seen the mark on her neck—the light purple shaped oddly like a crescent moon made it look like he seriously bruised her and it was slowly healing. Every few days, I'd see Julie with a fresh mark, the unhealthy purple stain on her neck more prominent than the day before. When the Beta finally allowed her to return to school, Julie explained that each wolf had a different mark to distinguish which female belonged to which werewolf.

I shuddered just thinking about that. Hopefully, it's all been a serious misunderstanding; Alpha Alexander will realize I'm not his mate, and I'll get to return home to my parents and little brother, Tommy. I gasped when I realized I was suppose to pick him up from soccer practice after school today.

I was thinking of ways to contact my parents when he pulled into a long gravel driveway which ended at a large house. I literally forced my mouth to close as I stared at the ranch-style mansion with a wraparound porch. Scattered over the lawn and on the porch were several other werewolves—all equally beautiful and strong, a natural trait for werewolves. My friends and I joked that it was to lure in prey; only now did I start to realize how close to the truth that was.

He put the car in park and exited the SUV. He opened my door and gave a dramatic bow as I stepped out. He slammed the door behind me and latched on to my upper arm.

"Hey!" I snapped, tugging my arm out of his grasp. "No need to manhandle me. I can walk on my own, you know."

He rolled his eyes at me. "Just come along, princess. You've made Alpha Alexander wait long enough."

Huh? I stared, dumbfounded, at the rude man who kidnapped me.

He grabbed me again, this time keeping his hold. I struggled against his grip, throwing curse words and threats at him with every step he dragged me. He pulled me inside the house as the meandering wolves watched in silence. Behind me, I heard the sniggers of the teen wolves outside; laughing at my reluctance, no doubt. They're all monsters—all of them.

He stopped right in front of a closed, wooden pair of double doors. Briskly knocking twice, he opened the door, shoving me inside with little care before slamming the door closed again. I glared at the menacing wood. "You stupid, son of a—"

A throat cleared behind me. I tensed, my anger caught in my throat. Taking in a shaky breath, I slowly turned around. Sitting behind a mahogany desk piled with papers and several books was a man with dark hair and even darker eyes.

Alpha Alexander.

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