Chapter Thirty-Two

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I barely glanced over my shoulder to take in the sight of my brother. He was wearing wrinkled pajamas that were three sizes too big and his hair was mussed from sleep, but otherwise he looked unharmed. I kept my eyes on Leo as I spoke to my little brother. "Tommy, I need you to get into the closet under the staircase. Close the door and don't come out until I tell you to, okay?"

"But, Fee—"

"Please, Tommy."

He hesitated for half a minute before I heard his soft footsteps cross the wood floor and the soft click of a door closing.

Leo tilted his head and watched me with an amused expression. "He really is a good kid," he said casually. "He looks up to you, you know—his big sister." He chuckled darkly and stepped around the table slowly. "He said you would come and get him; said your mate was big and tough, and that you would do anything to save him. You know what I told him?" He stood a foot away from me. My body was tense, my fingers itching for one of the weapons under my hoodie. Leo's eyes darkened as his lips quirked into a dangerous smile. "I told him I was counting on it."

That's when his fist came flying toward my face, hitting me squarely in the cheek.

. . .

Gabriel Alexander was not a patient man under normal circumstances. Seth would know—he'd been Gabriel's Beta for years, but he'd been his best friend for even longer. And knowing him for that long meant Seth knew when to shut the fuck up, and right now was one of those times, when Gabriel suddenly took a left turn, slamming Seth into the passenger side door of the SUV. A train of a dozen other SUVs behind them nearly collided with one another trying to make the same right-hand turn. Each SUV that followed theirs was filled with eight or nine werewolves from different packs including Luna Nova. When word spread that Alpha Phoebe left the compound to confront Leo, every single werewolf stepped forward, prepared to fight for the safe return of their queen, which just so happened to also be the ultimate chance to prove themselves to their new king. Gabriel called for the strongest enforcers from each pack—his unsaid intention rang loud and clear to everyone: They were representing their pack so that every pack would have a part of the coming battle—every pack would share in the glory or the defeat. From the murderous glint in Gabriel's eyes, Seth naturally assumed the former.

Raindrops began to splatter against the windshield. Within minutes, it was pouring. Seth glanced at his Alpha before leaning over the middle console and silently switching on the windshield wipers. Gabriel didn't even flinch or acknowledge the unwarranted assistance.

Seth gripped the door handle when the SUV hydroplaned for a single second before thankfully finding traction on the slippery road. Seth cleared his throat, but still didn't say anything.

"Spit it out, Seth."

The Beta jumped at the sudden sound of Gabriel's voice. For the last seven hours, his friend hadn't said a word to him. Seth cleared his throat once more before saying, "It'd just be best if we lived to actually rescue her."

"You think now is an appropriate time to joke, Seth?" Gabriel snapped.

Seth stared out the blurry windshield. "He's not gonna hurt her, Gabe. He wants you."

"He'll hurt her to get to me." Gabriel's shoulder shivered slightly and Seth tried to brush off the overwhelming instinct to suddenly bear his neck. Gabriel's wolf was biting against the mental rope that he chained it down with. Its need to show dominance and be released to find its mate was incredibly strong. If the wolf had belonged to a weaker man, it would have already be unleashed. But Gabriel Alexander was stronger than any man Seth had ever met, including himself. Gabriel was Alpha Rex not because he was the subject of Leo's vendetta, but because he was the only werewolf who could rise to the challenge and actually succeed. The packs hadn't worked together like this in centuries. There were newfound friendships that strengthened pack bonds and united them together against the one who challenged the peace they had created amongst themselves. The rigorous training they had all completed over the past month made them a force to be reckoned with.

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