Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Gabriel," I gasped frantically as I sat up.

Hospital, I thought as I glanced around the room. Everything was white—the sheets that covered my body, the chairs that sat empty beside my bed, the walls that seemed to be closing in on me. I glanced down and released a startled sob-slash-chuckle at the sight of a familiar dark t-shirt I was currently wearing. Then my eyes found the needle stuck in the bend of my right arm. I quickly tugged it out of my skin and threw the sheets off my body before swinging my legs off the bed. My ribs throbbed as I stepped onto the cool tile floor and limped my way over to the door. Before my hand touched the door handle, it swung inward, forcing me to stumble backward to avoid getting struck. I tensed with the sudden instinct to fight, but the instinct faded the moment an arm wrapped around my back and pulled me into a large and familiar chest.

I leaned into Gabriel, my fingers digging into his black t-shirt.

"You should be in bed," he said softly into my ear.

"You weren't here," I replied.

He sighed into my hair, his hand rubbing soft circles into the small of my back.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Regional hospital. Your parents insisted."

I tensed. "Are they here?"

"They're with Tommy right now."

I leaned out of his embrace. "Is he okay?"

Gabriel nodded. His hand cupped my cheek. I leaned into it, kissing his palm. He breathed in my scent, his chest rumbling with a soft growl. "Never put yourself in danger like that again. Please." His voice was stern and I detected a slight undertone of desperation. He put his index finger under my chin and forced me to look him in the eye. "If you do, I will chain you to the bed, and this time, it will be for my pleasure."

I chuckled softly. "I'm sorry I put you through that," I said. "But I'm not sorry that I did it. You're safe now—everyone is safe. Leo is dead."

His hand on my waist tightened. "It was not your responsibility, Phoebe."

"I was tired of sitting around, waiting to hear whether or not Tommy was dead!" I snapped. I closed my eyes and took a breath to collect my frenzied thoughts that were mingled with my mate's own angry images. I leaned my forehead against his shoulder. "I didn't want to lose you. Not when I just found you."

A moment passed and Gabriel released a breath, and with it, his anger. "On the contrary, Phoebe, I found you."

I smiled. "True," I murmured. "But I was afraid what would happen if you decided to face Leo. I offered myself to him because I knew he wouldn't consider me a threat, just another chess piece for his game."

Gabriel growled again. "If you have any future notions of playing hero, please let me know first."

I frowned. "I—"

"Shh," he hushed me, which only flared my anger. "If you won't stop putting yourself in danger for me, will you do it . . . for our child?"

I frowned, my mouth opened to tell him something sarcastic, but then his hand splayed on my stomach, his dark eyes searching mine. My hand covered his and my eyes widened. "W-What . . . I'm . . . I'm—?"

"Pregnant?" he finished for me. His eyes danced with amusement as he saw through the bond the pieces falling into place for me. "Yes, Phoebe."

My knees gave, but he was there, catching me before I collapsed to the floor. He carried me to the bed, holding me against his chest as he sat down. I turned in his lap, straddling his thighs and touching my stomach once more. "I'm p-pregnant," I said slowly. He watched me warily, as if waiting for me to faint so he could catch me.

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