Chapter Fifteen

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I didn't know what time it was, nor did I care. I was too busy trying to flip the damn red plastic cup. "COME ON!" Kellan screamed at me. "DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!"

With one last flick of my finger, the cup finally landed upside down and the game was won. Julie playfully glared at me from across the table, where her cup laid pathetically on its side. "I'll get you, Bee."

"I'm undefeated, Lee."

Both our eyes widen comically at the new nicknames. "Yes!" I shouted. "We are officially best friends!"

Julie raised her hand and I slapped it with my own. She laughed. "It's about damn time!"

Kellan poured a fourth of a mix drink into my cup. "Jason wants to go again!"

Several other pack members whom I'd seen and talked to at school were surrounding us or joining in on the game. A couple younger pack members stood around drinking sodas that I assumed their older siblings probably splashed with vodka. Everyone was smiling and joking with one another.

I was happy, I realized. Happier than I had been in a long time.

I smiled at the thought. Jason caught my goofy grin and hollered, "The Alpha is officially WASTED!"

I swatted at him. "I can still beat you at flip cup!"

"Bring it on, milady!"

We played two more rounds of flip cup before moving on to a card game I had never played before. When one of the guys turned a card over, he grinned, flashing the five of clubs to everyone. "Five fingers, everyone."

"Oh, god," Julie groaned.

"What's that mean?" I muttered.

"Put up five fingers. It's like 'Never Have I Ever.'"

"Gotcha." I held up five slightly blurry fingers.

"I'll go first," the guy who pulled the card announced. "Never have I ever been a human."

Everyone whooped and hollered as Julie and I each put a finger down seeing as we were the only humans of the group.

"Make sure to clap if you've done it!" the guy shouted. "I want to see who's guilty!"

Another person said something about never been to the ocean, someone said something about never drank coffee. I had played this game with my old friends, but it wasn't as tame as this. Usually, they targeted certain people by saying something detailed and personal to that person, especially if it was a sexual act.

Julie was next, "Okay, okay, I got it." She grinned at me. "Never have I ever kissed an Alpha."

I tried to glare at her, but everyone was catcalling and I couldn't stop laughing. I clapped my hands at the same time someone else did. My head snapped toward the girl who realized her mistake a second too late. I didn't know her very well. I'd seen her around school, but she was the quiet type. She seemed nice enough, but all I saw right then was red as she began to stutter trying to explain herself.

"No, no, no. I didn't—I mean, it wasn't . . ." She tightened her grip on her cup. "It was an Alpha's s-son from a different pack. Th-they were visiting for . . . We were, like, twelve. I'm sorry, I d-didn't realize . . ."

The angry red fog faded from my eyes. I took a calming breath before looking away from the nervous girl. Everyone's eyes were on me. I forced my expression to slacken and put a grin on my face, the anger that had boiled inside of me for two minutes finally subsiding. "No one panic!" I forced a laugh and everyone joined, even the girl, whose eyes still shone with a little nervousness. She was telling the truth, I could feel it; she was genuine and submissive. I couldn't believe how angry I got in the span of one second, but I refused to think further into it.

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