Chapter Nineteen

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I faded out of the dark and into consciousness. My eyelids were too heavy, but I quickly did inventory on the rest of my body. I was lying on my stomach, a heavy blanket on top of me, softly tickling my bare back. I quickly realized I didn't have on a shirt or a bra. My jeans had been replaced with leggings or yoga pants. My hands were bandaged, as was my right arm.


I swallowed, but didn't respond. After moment, I realized I didn't have to. It wasn't me they were addressing. "Leave us, John." His voice lifted my heart and made my bones shiver with delight despite the pain radiating through my body.

"I just came to tell you that the principal has been notified. He's sending false notifications to human families on why the school is closed for one day. We should be done by noon." John paused, as if waiting for Alpha Alexander's response, but when none came, he continued, "She's awake."

I thought John was talking about me until Alpha Alexander asked harshly, "Has she said anything?"

John hesitated again. "So far, all she's done is laugh and say how much she underestimated your mate. Beta Seth is contacting local packs to see where she belonged before going rogue. The more information we have on her, the better our chances of getting her to talk." 

I could practically hear John give Alpha Alexander a stiff but respectful bow as he finished, "Whenever you're ready, Alpha."

Alpha Alexander must have made a gesture to dismiss John because a door closed softly a moment later. I heard a heavy sigh before the blanket lifted from my back. Cold air brushed against my bare skin, causing goosebumps to trail down my arms and up my neck. A large hand softly swept strands of hair away from my face. 

My eyes slowly opened when the hand drew away. I was in the bedroom, laying on my side of the bed. Directly in front of me, in a chair that sat against the edge of the mattress, was Alpha Alexander. His eyes were trained on my back but they were clouded in thought, as though he was raging a mental battle with himself. His face was drawn tightly in a frown, his brow crinkled in frustration and his jaw clenched. 

My hand lifted, softly poking the folds at the center of his forehead. It took him by surprise; his eyes darted to mine and his expression softened only slightly.

"Hi," I whispered hoarsely.

He took my hand in his. "How are you feeling? Do you need more painkillers?"

My body ached in response, but I didn't want him to become even more worried. I shook my head. His frown deepened and I poked it again. 

"Stop it," my voice came out cracked.

His expression morphed to confusion. "What?"

"I said stop it. I don't like it when you frown." I chuckled softly. "Then again, I don't think I've ever seen you smile."

He didn't respond for a while. We stared at each other, both of us trying to decipher the other. "Do you remember what happened, Phoebe?"

I was the first to break eye contact. I thought about how to answer him. I remembered everything, but I didn't want to. The anger that had so easily flowed through me, the animal instinct to protect my mate and to kill the girl who threatened him—it frightened me. I was never a violent person. I took precautions to protect myself by learning basic self-defense and gun handling, but I never intended to purposely harm anyone unless absolutely necessary. But last night, I wanted to cause so much pain. I wanted to hear her tortured screams and I enjoyed the sight of her weak and hurt.

I decided that he could never know what I had done. At least, I couldn't tell him until I understood what had come over me. Some distant part of me knew that all the anger, the hate, and the strength came from the newly formed mate bond with Alpha Alexander, but I didn't completely understand how I was able to pull all that energy from him.

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