Chapter Sixteen

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"Good morning, ladies!" Kellan hollered as he entered the kitchen.

"Shhh!" Julie held her head in her hands. "Not so loud."

"How are we feeling today?" Jason chimed in, grabbing a bowl from the cabinet.

"I hate you both," I mumbled, my forehead pressed against the cool countertop. I lifted it to glare at them. "You did this to me."

"Looks like someone can't handle their alcohol," Kellan mockingly sang into his glass of orange juice.

"I actually hate you. Why did you let me take those shots?"

"It's something I like to call 'having fun.'" Kellan grinned at me cheekily. "Maybe you were just having a little too much of it?"

"No such thing!" Jason protested loudly.

Julie groaned. I moaned, letting my pounding head fall to rest on my arms. "Did I mention I hate you?"

"Twice, milady."

I chuckled and slid off the stool, the plate the cook made for me still untouched on the counter. "If you need me, I'll be dying in my bedroom."

"Dibs on her bacon!" Kellan shouted. The two boys dove for my abandoned plate of food on the breakfast bar.

I dragged my body into the bedroom upstairs and made sure the blinds were completely shut before sliding into bed. I snuggled into the pillow, glancing at the alarm clock—half-past ten in the morning. Four hours of sleep definitely wasn't enough, and truth be told, I still felt a little drunk.

I had barely closed my eyes when the bedroom door swung open. I pretended to be asleep as someone entered the room.

"Phoebe," Alpha Alexander's hand gently brushed against my cheek. I flinched away from the shocks his touch always brought.

"Go away," I groaned, rolling to my stomach.

"How are you feeling?"

"Let me die in peace."

"Do you need anything?"

I opened an eye to stare at him. He was in his workout clothes, a sweat stain on the front of his shirt. I sat up and scooted away from him. He frowned but stopped when I patted the space I had vacated. Hesitantly, he sat down next to me.

"Lean back," I demanded. He looked like he was about to protest, but I glared at him until he finally complied. I smirked in triumph and grabbed the blankets, pulling them over me as I settled into Alpha Alexander's side, my head against his chest.

"Phoebe . . ."

He was at a loss for words. I was suddenly showing affection that he hadn't initiated. Naturally, the big, bad Alpha was confused.

"Shh," I mumbled. "I sleep better when you're here."

My hand released the blankets and rested against his chest. When he shifted, my fingers curled around the fabric of his shirt. I heard two heavy thunks hit the floor before he shifted again. My hand tightened around his shirt, but he lifted the blankets so he could slide his body beneath them. I realized he had kicked off his shoes and settled his body closer to mine, his arms wrapping around me. My fingers never released his shirt, and as I closed my eyes, I started to realize how desperate I was to keep him close to me.

When I woke, I was draped in the limbs of Alpha Alexander. His legs were tangled with mine and his arms were wrapped around me, holding me to his chest. My cheek was pressed against his shoulder. I glanced up and eyed his sleeping face curiously. My fingers inched to trace the lines of his face, but I kept them glued to my chest.

Alpha AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now