Chapter Four

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I completely ignored his footsteps as he followed me outside. Once I heard the door close and the locks turn, I glanced back at him. He started moving toward a sleek black car. My panic level rose—I couldn't handle being in the confines of a car with him, alone. Not after what just happened.

I stuttered, which seemed ridiculous after how I spoke to him in the living room not five minutes before, "I-I think I'm going to walk. I'll just, uh, I'll meet you back at the house."

His eyebrow rose. "Do you know how to get there?"

"Sure." I pulled all my bravery together and met his eyes with my own. The dark orbs seemed to have drawn me in, but I blinked, breaking the spell that was almost beginning to work on me. "Um, see you later."

I turned and walked down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. I heard a sound come from behind me—a cross between a groan and a chuckle, I think. Suddenly, a presence brushed against my right arm and I jumped to the left. Alpha Alexander stopped walking the same second I did.

I just stared at him—for a minute, for an hour, I don't know. My eyes were wide as saucers and my mental hamster was running the wheel like crazy trying to figure out why my heart rate skyrocketed and my body vibrated with hyper awareness.

After another awkward, silent minute, he spoke, "Why did you run?"

"Because you're an asshole." It slipped out—I had no control as the words fell from my mouth. But his reaction was worth it—his eyes widened a fraction and he just stared at me, as though no one had ever spoken to him like that before. Probably because no one ever had.

"I admit the process of bringing you to the pack house was difficult."

"I could think of a dozen words to describe the process, and 'difficult' isn't one of them," I snapped.

He glared at me. "You have to understand—"

I started walking, ignoring whatever he had to say after that. "I don't have to understand anything, Alpha Alexander. I've taken courses on your history, I know all the graphic details of matings. What I don't seem to understand is your complete lack of chivalry. When a guy likes a girl, he asks her on a date, or buys her a teddy bear, or something along those lines. He does not kidnap her."

"I am not some pubescent boy, Phoebe. I am Alpha of the largest pack this side of the Mississippi. I apologize if I violated your sensitivities when I sent Vance to gather you from the pathetic institution they call a school, but I was not given permission to enter your home and speak to you."

"God! You're like a walking Jane Austen novel." I picked up my walking speed. "My 'sensitivities,' as you call them, weren't just violated. I'm a human being, Alpha Alexander. I'm entitled to some civility when it comes to meeting someone new. If you were so determined to meet me and get this mating mojo shit started, why the hell didn't you come pick me up yourself instead of sending your lap dog to do the dirty work for you?"

"You are the most difficult female I have ever had the chance to meet," he spat.

"Don't meet many females then, do you?" I ask dryly. "You have got to be the rudest asshole I've ever met. Guess that makes us even, huh?"

He eyes darkened. "I was unable to take you home myself because I'm in the middle of a war, Phoebe. A war I intend to win. In order for me to do that, I must meet with other Alphas, discuss strategies and find shelter and food for civilians. I was growing anxious, my wolf was tearing at my mental binds. Vance saw that and knew who you were and what you are to me. He volunteered to pick you up and I didn't decline his offer."

Alpha AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now