Final Author's Note

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*Cue sobbing cuz the story is over and I don't know what to do with my life now...*

Or do I...? Want to read more about Phoebe, Gabriel, and their pack? Keep scrolling...

What did you guys think?! Let me know in the comments!

If you guys could have a story about any secondary character who would it be? Chloe and Gerald? Seth and Julie? Ava and some really unfortunate guy? Maybe Jason or Kellan? Oooh, or Natalie and Leo with a hint of Sarah? Let me know in the comments; I'm curious on your guys' theories and ideas on my characters.

I will be editing this story sometime in the future. It is far from perfect, and there are some plot holes and spelling/grammar errors that need to be corrected. However, this is not a big priority on my list right now.

Any questions? Did I leave you guys hanging on anything?

*(For those of you who were upset about Phoebe calling Gabriel "Alpha Alexander" for so long (there were surprisingly a lot of you), she did this out of respect and maybe even fear. She didn't want to call him by his first name because she wanted to distance herself from bonding with him. I know I didn't explain this and I totally suck because I didn't, but I'll make sure to expand on this more fully when I edit this story.)*

Thanks for reading guys. I truly appreciate all your feedback. I do read every comment and I'm notified when someone adds me to their reading lists, which is such an honor. Thank you so much. I probably wouldn't have finished this story without you guys supporting me and giving me feedback. 💕

Stay awesome, friends.

xo -Willow

March 2021: I have started publishing deleted scenes for Alpha Alexander on the book titled Alpha Alexander: Short Stories and Novellas on my profile. Check it out and let me know what you think!
This novel is being rewritten and expanded for publication. I have several chapters completed that I would love to hear feedback on, so I maybe be posting them in the Short Stories and Novellas book on my profile, if there is a good response to it. So let me know if you want to read new chapters!

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