Chapter Twenty-Nine

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My mother shakily squeezed my hand. "That's why we haven't seen you lately? Because you're some . . . werewolf royal?"

"I told you it was hard to explain, Mom." I returned her squeeze as I held her one hand in both of mine. My father stood quietly behind her, his arms crossed. His face was badly bruised and Alpha Alexander told me there was fresh blood somewhere on his arm, which was covered by his long-sleeved shirt.

My parents swallowed the rather large pill of chaotic recent events quite well, considering they had limited knowledge of werewolf affairs. My father had yet to say anything and let my mom ask the questions, but at least they weren't hysterical, which definitely would not have helped the situation. Alpha Alexander sat beside me, which surprised me since my dad was standing. His hand rested gently on my lower back as I leaned forward to comfort my mother.

"What . . . What w-will happen to T-Tommy?" my mother asked shakily.

"We will get him back, Mrs. Carmichael," Alpha Alexander cut in. He had explained things to my parents when I stumbled over the specifics. He also interjected whenever my mother started to panic, like she was doing now. "My pack has the best trackers in the country. They will find your son. We will bring him home."

My mother just nodded, tears still in her eyes. Her breath caught a few times before she breathed in deeply to steady herself. "Okay . . ." she said. "Okay."

"You both are gonna stay with us for a little while."

"Can we do anything? Should we—"

"No, Mom," I interrupted her. "I need you to trust me and my pack. We will get Tommy back. I will do anything and everything to get him home. Trust me."

My mom released a soft sob. Her hand cupped my cheek. "I do, baby. I'm just . . . I'm scared."

"It's okay, Mom," I said lowly. "I'm scared, too. But I know my pack and I know my mate. We'll find Tommy. I promise."

She smiled sadly. "You grew up too fast. You're not my baby girl anymore. Look at you."

I tried to smile. "I'll always be your baby girl, Mom."

Her tears spilled from her eyes, quiet and gentle. She didn't say anything, just stared at me as I stared back at her. She was looking at me as though she was trying to memorize my face; a picture that she would hold on to, in her mind, forever.

"I will show you where you are staying," my mate spoke again, his lips pressing against my temple as he stood from the couch. My mother stood up. Alpha Alexander grabbed the duffle she had packed from the floor beside the door. She followed him out of the office. My dad didn't make a move. When Alpha Alexander waited for him at the door, he said quietly, "I'll be out in a moment. I just need to talk to Phoebe about something."

Alpha Alexander hesitated but, after looking at me, he nodded and closed the door as he left. I turned to my father, who uncrossed his arms and came to stand directly in front of me. "Don't do it, Phoebe."

I frowned, taken aback. "What?"

"They took my boy because they couldn't have you. I know what you're thinking, Phoebe."

"How do you—"

"Because it's the same damn thing I would do, and you're more like me than your mother likes." He rested his hands on my shoulders gently, giving them a meaningful squeeze. "Don't do it, Phoebe. Please. They already took one of my children. I can't let them have you both."

"Dad, I'm not—"

"Don't lie to me," he snapped. "Promise me you'll find another way, Phoebe. Promise me you won't let them take you, even if they promise they'll trade Tommy's life for yours. Promise me you won't sacrifice yourself for your brother."

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