Chapter Three

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Julie left a few minutes after trying to convince me I was meant for Alpha Alexander. I still didn't believe her, but whatever. She told me dinner was ready and I was expected to make an appearance. I wasn't hungry, though, so I told her to tell them I wasn't coming.

She looked like she wanted to veto my decision, but kept her mouth shut and walked out the door. I frowned down at my wrinkled jeans and equally messy shirt, and decided a shower would be a blessing. I stood and wandered to a closed door, hoping it was bathroom. My prayers were finally answered and a shiny marble bathroom spread out before me. After I closed and locked the door, I slipped off my Vans, stripped out of my plain t-shirt and skinny jeans, and stepped toward the shower, fiddling with the knobs a bit before finding the perfect temperature. After my bra and panties were removed, I stepped into the blissfully hot water.

I let my tangled, dark hair soak under the spray for a while before moving to wash my body. I found a bottle of body wash and squirted some into my hand. It smelled like mint and made my skin feel soft. I glanced around the shower, in search for shampoo, cursing myself for not bringing my shower stuff into the bathroom with me. After a minute of searching, I found a black bottle of Axe. I frowned at it, deciding against using guy shampoo on my hair. I stayed in the shower for another ten minutes when my fingers started to prune and my body was bright red from the hot water.

Shutting the shower off, I pulled back the curtain and grabbed the towel off its rack, drying my body as best as I could. I bundled my dirty clothes and cursed myself again for not bring fresh clothes into the bathroom. I dumped the messy heap of clothes on the counter and stared at my reflection.

I was paler than normal—my skin was naturally fair. My body wasn't super-model ready, but my curves were definitely lacking. My breasts barely held up the towel I wrapped around my body and my hair hung lamely around my pale face.

I sighed and swallowed around the grime in my throat. Ugh. I searched for a toothbrush, finding one in the small medicine cabinet next to the huge wall mirror. I stared at it for a long time before deciding to use it anyway. Just in case, though, I rinsed it thoroughly before putting it in my mouth. Squeezing some mint toothpaste on to the bristles, I vigorously brushed my teeth. Afterwards, I smiled at the mirror to inspect my pearly whites, but my smile didn't reach my eyes. I put the brush and paste back in the cabinet and closed it. With one last look at my pathetic reflection, I grabbed the bundle of clothes and exited the bathroom.

The second I stepped out, a large hand wrapped around my wrist and tugged me into the bedroom before pushing me against a wall. A body covered mine and it took me a moment to recognize Alpha Alexander glaring at me.

"What do you think you're doing?" he growled—yes, growled.

"I-I just got o-out—" I began to stutter, pointing lamely at the open bathroom door.

He frowned, leaned forward and sniffed my neck. I flinched away. His eyes registered the slightest bit of surprise. "You used my soap."

"I—w-what?" I frowned, glancing around. Then it dawned on me. "This is your room?"

He nodded once, his hands still squeezing my upper arms, pinning me to the wall.

He sniffed me again. "And you brushed your teeth."

My mouth dropped open in horror.

"I think I used your toothbrush," I whispered apologetically. I blushed. This is embarrassing.

Something flickered in his eyes, but fled before I could catch what it was. Suddenly, I became hyper-aware of how close we were—his hips pressed against the lower half of my body, his chest pushed against mine, squashing my breasts against the edge of the towel. Every time I exhaled, it brought our fronts closer. I tried to slow my breathing, but his proximity was making my mind cloud up and spin.

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