Chapter Fourteen

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Julie grabbed my bags and took them inside for me as I waited for my parents with Alpha Alexander. Spencer drove the SUV to the garage as my parents' minivan came nearer. Alpha Alexander moved his hands from my shoulders to my waist. I shifted, uncomfortable with how familiar his touch was.

My dad had barely put the car in park when the back passenger door slid open and a little boy launched himself from the car. "This. Is. So. Cool!" he shouted before his eyes landed on me. "Fee!"

I grinned, stepping out from Alpha Alexander's embrace to hug my little brother. My parents smiled as they approached me, wrapping me in hugs like I hadn't seen them in months. Alpha Alexander nodded a greeting to my mother and my father before asking them to come inside.

We sat in the living room, a room which I hadn't quite explored yet. My dad and Alpha Alexander kindly exchanged small talk for a while before Alpha Alexander finally explained why I wouldn't be in school.

"Are you telling me my daughter's in danger?" Dad asked angrily. Mom clutched his leg to keep him from springing up to his feet, which would indirectly be considered a challenge to the Alpha.

"A situation occurred this afternoon that I do not wish to repeat. I'm simply pulling Phoebe from school for a few days while I see to it that she is never put in that situation ever again. Your daughter is safe with me, Mr. Carmichael, I assure you." There was a challenge in his voice, warning my dad from arguing further.

Dad swallowed whatever he was going to say next, but the frustration remained in his facial expression. Instead, he tried a different tactic. "My daughter is not a damsel. I have taught her to defend herself should she need to."

"Yes," Alpha Alexander cold eyes caught my amused gaze. "She demonstrated her skills with a few members of my pack yesterday."

I perked up. "Oh my god, I forgot to tell you, Dad! I'll be right back."

I ran upstairs to grab the target I had slipped under my side of the bed, fully intending to find a way to pin it to the ceiling eventually. I was making my way down the stairs when the front door swung open and the familiar annoying sarcasm that could only be from Kellan filled my ears. I lunged my body toward my friends, hugging both of them at once. "Oh, thank God."

Kellan chuckled. "Nothing happened. We were right behind you and Julie, but this idiot decided to stop at Taco Bell once we got the all clear."

Jason shoved the last of his crunch wrap into his mouth. "I was hungry."

"I'm just glad you're both all right."

"Aww, she cares." Kellan ruffled my hair.

I punched his arm then held up the target so they both could see it. "Remember this?"

Kellan rolled his eyes. "Lucky shot."

"Shots," I corrected him. "Come to the living room. My parents are here with my little brother. You're still willing to help him practice, right?"

"Let's do it," Jason said, rubbing his hands together.

I introduced my parents to my friends and told Tommy they were going to help him practice. My brother's eyes brightened. "Sweet! I'll go get my ball from the car!"

Kellan and Jason followed him out, my mother not too far behind. I handed my dad the target. "Look!" I said proudly.

He held the target in his hands and pointed to the head. "This your handiwork?"

I nodded, beaming. "A couple boys were practicing and I asked to shoot. Looks like all that time at the gun range really paid off, huh?"

My dad grinned. "Sure did, baby girl." He hugged me to my side as he glanced toward Alpha Alexander, who had calmly watched our interaction. "Is she allowed to practice with your pack? Maybe learn some more self-defense while she's out of school?"

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