Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I hadn't been to this mall since the day I learned what rogues were. May was almost over. Graduation was in a week, but the school already sent over my honors diploma. They offered their congratulations on finding my mate and that it was unnecessary for me to walk with my class in order to graduate. I argued with Gabriel about letting me go to the ceremony—just to at least see Jason, Julie, and Kellan walk. He was melting to the idea, but I still needed to . . . persuade him a little.

I leaned into Gabriel's chest, my ear pressed against the spot where his heart beat against his skin. My arm wrapped around his torso and I inhaled his intoxicating scent.

"That's right, girl. You cuddle up to him—soften him up so we can use his credit card," Julie mock-whispered from the third row of the SUV. Vance's eyes flicked to us from the rearview mirror, but he returned them to the road as the stoplight turned green.

I chuckled. "I don't have to cuddle him to steal his money."

Gabriel gave a short laugh. "As sad as it is, this is true."

I gave him a brief and tight squeeze, which he returned with a kiss to the top of my head. Vance pulled the SUV to the curb outside my favorite stationery store. Gabriel stepped out smoothly and gracefully, like an a-list celebrity arriving at a Hollywood event. I attempted to mimic his grace but I ended up just sort of falling out of the car. Gabriel caught me by the forearm and tugged me onto the sidewalk.

"I can fight a rogue but I can't get out of a stupid car," I grumbled.

"My clumsy mate," he said, clearly amused, placing a kiss on my forehead.

Julie and Seth exited the vehicle after us and Vance went to park the car, followed by a second SUV that was emptied of its occupants as we stepped out onto the curb. Spencer came to stand on my left as Gabriel took my right hand, guiding me toward the entrance of the mall. For all intents and purposes, we looked like a group of young adults heading into the mall for an afternoon. But if someone had the proper training (say, Secret Service?), they would have noticed how Spencer, Sarah, and the two other werewolves who trailed behind our group darted their eyes left and right, taking in the surroundings; noting the quickest exit strategy and sizing up potential threats.

I quickly caught on to which of the teenagers strolling around the mall were werewolves. They stared at Gabriel like he was a divine entity—their eyes wide and their mouths agape. Their eyes slowly moved from him to the human whose shoulders his arm was draped over. They admired me briefly as their eyes flicked from Gabriel, to me, and back to him. As we passed, they bowed their heads, tilting their necks at an angle to show submission. The humans who accompanied them watched on with confusion or interest or fear . . . or all in one.

We entered the first store. The men collectively took a step back as they noticed the pink sign sitting at the entrance of the store—all of them stepped away . . . except Gabriel. He strode into Victoria's Secret without hesitation. I stopped him just inside the door. He looked down at me, his eyebrows raising when I gave him the look. The "go hold my purse and sit down outside the store while I spend your money on things I probably don't need" look.

He looked around. "Am I banished from this store and I was not aware of it until now?"

I rolled my eyes. "You can wait for us outside."

His eyes locked on to a black set of lacy lingerie. "How will you know what I like?"

I glanced at the set. "I know you better than you think, Gabriel."

He glanced back at me. "Oh? What if I want to see it on you?"

"You'll have to be surprised, then, I guess."

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