Chapter 6

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I got ready and Mark picked me up. We went to a really nice place. He looked really handsome. He had on his lucky flannel and tight black jeans. He also had his hair slicked back, but still floofy. He also didn't have on his glasses, so he looked so much hotter. After dinner, he took me to a carnival and we walked around and rode a few rides. "Wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" Mark asked me. "I have a fear of heights actually. And that looks very high." (If you dont have a fear of heights, just pretend you do)I said, almost panicking. "It's okay, nothing can go wrong. I'll be there to protect you." He said, flexing. "O-okay, I guess I will go, only because I want to see you happy." I said. What was I thinking?! I can't go up that high! What if it breaks and we all die? I walk on the ride with him. It starts going up and I grab onto him arm tightly. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "I have a fear of heights, I told you already!" I said. "Nothing's going to happen." He tried to calm me down, but it obviously wasn't working. When we got at the top, it stopped. I squeezed his arm so tight that I'm pretty sure that I cut off the circulation to his hands. "Calm down (y/n) look at me." He started. I looked at him. "Everything will be alright if you calm down, okay?" He said gently. "O-okay..." I said, loosening my grip on him. He pulled his arm away and I whimpered. He put his arm around my shoulders instead. I felt much more safer. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "ATTENTION ALL RIDERS, SORRY FOR THE DELAY, WE ARE TRYING TO FIX THE RIDE. YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT AT LEAST AN HOUR. SORRY AND STAY SEATED." The ride worker announced. "Don't worry (y/n)." Mark said. "I'm not worried at all when I'm with you." I admitted, then instantly regretted it. My cheeks flushed red. "I.. I didn't mean.." I couldn't say anything. "I know what you mean." He replied. I looked up and my (eye color) eyes met his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. His eyes were twinkling. He smiled warmly down at me. I returned the smile and hugged him while burying my face in his neck. He moved me onto his lap and held me there. I looked up at him and he had his eyes closed and he looked so peaceful and relaxed. Some of his hair fell down in his face. I gently moved it out of his face and started playing with his hair. He opened his eyes and raised and eyebrow. "Your hair is soft and floofy." I said. He moved one of his hands to my face and caressed my cheek. I blushed deeply and he chuckled. We sat like that for about 10 minutes, staring into each others eyes. "Soo... Umm-" he cut me off by pulling me into a soft, sweet kiss. My eyes went wide and I blushed deeply. I've never kissed a guy before. I kissed back and he smiled in the kiss. We soon pulled away and both of our faces were red. The ride finally got fixed and we got off. We were speechless. It was kind of awkward. After a while of silence, I decided to talk. "U-umm, soo. What now?" I asked. "U-uh, I don't know, what do you want to do?" He asked shyly. "Why are you acting shy?" I smirked. "I didn't mean to do that, I couldn't help myself." He said. "It's okay, I don't mind." I said. "Wh-" I cut him off by kissing him again. I quickly pulled away and his face was redder than a tomato and his eyes were wider than the moon. I smiled and grabbed his hand and got in the car. "I'm actually pretty tired, you can take me back to the hotel, unless you got anything else in mind." I said. There was silence again. "Sure, but do u wanna have another sleepover?" He asked. "YESSS! I CALL YOUR BED!" I shouted, making him jump. "But I want my bed!" He whined. "Ugh, fine, we can share the bed. Not like that though, I mean.. Never mind, you can have your bed. I'll sleep on the couch." I said. "No, I know what you mean. We can share my bed. I don't mind." He said. "Okay." Was all I said then there was more silence, but it wasn't awkward. It was king of peaceful. We walked in Mark's room and I flopped on the bed. Mark put on a movie and I soon fell asleep on his lap.

Here's a longer chapter for y'all. Bye!

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