Canada x Reader~First Kiss

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You looked up from (fave book) as the doorbell rang. You sighed, put a bookmark into your book, and walked to the door. "Matthew!" you exclaimed as you opened the door to see your cute Canadian friend and secret crush. He smiled a little shyly; you could feel your knees wobble a little. "Hi, (y/n)! I was wondering... Would you like to uh, go on a walk with me?" he lowered his violet eyes, pink dusting his cheeks slightly. You nodded, hair bouncing. "I'll be ready in a moment!" you chirped with a smile, turning on your heel to run upstairs. It was a warm spring day; so you put on your new capris and a tank top, grabbing a black hoodie in case the weather took a change. You quickly brushed out your hair, then thumped back down the stairs to your waiting friend. He looked up, and smiled as he saw you. "Great!" he smiled. "Let's go, eh?" You nodded, slipped on your shoes on, and, locking the door behind you, went outside.

The two of you walked together in the warm breeze scilently for a while; then Matt broke the scilence. "Nice day, huh?" he asked, gazing up at the sky. "Yeah," you replied, nodding in agreement. After a while, you guys came to a small forest path. The two of you exchanged glances, then, in wordless agreement, began racing down the path laughing. You matched his every pace evenly, hair flying behind you. Gradually, you came to a stream, where both of you slowed to a walk; you blushed as you felt his hand brush against yours. He didn't seem to notice. Or did he...? You felt your face redden as he slowly took your hand. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, to see the blonde Canadian also blushing. "S-Sorry!" he stuttered, letting go of your hand and beginning to run away. "No wait!" you called after him, breaking into a run, and catching him by the arm. He turned and blushed. "I-I'm sorry!" he repeated. You shook your head. "It's fine!" you replied, smiling at him. He returned the smile, blushing. "Do you mean it?" you laughed. "Of course!" he grinned broadly. "Great!" he said happily. And the two of you started walking again, this time hand in hand. Slowly you came to a big meadow. "Wow!" you exclaimed; the meadow was full of wild flowers. You excitedly began to pick some into a nice bouquet, as Matthew did... something else. You weren't sure. Finally, when your arms couldn't handle any more flowers, you plopped down by a tree, exhausted. You closed your eyes, lips slightly parted, cheeks flushed, and rested your head against the rough bark of the tree. Slowly, you could feel yourself getting drowsy from the conforting warmth, and you drifted off and into a calm sleep.


You open your eyes to see the violet orbs of a certain Canadian cutie staring at you, a smile across his face. "You fell asleep..." he explains. You blush; his face is only a smidgen away from yours. "What's wrong?" he asks, leaning in closer, making you blush darker. "Y-Your face..." you stammer. He smirks and nods. "Oh, is it not close enough...?" his voice has dropped to a husky whisper; your eart seems to skip a beat. Before you can reply, his lips are against yours, closing the remaining space between the two of you. Your stomach flutters, and you melt into the kiss. A moment later, he pulls away. "I love you, (y/n)." He says, a pink blush brushing across his face as he smiles shyly at you. You grin back at him. "I love you too, Matthew!" you say before leaning in for another kiss.

Author's Note: 

Ok! That was that... Sorry. It was my first romantic fanfic... Sorry for the bad quality! Next will be Russia x Reader... Ok? Ok! ^^ Hopefully, it will be better! Thanks!


(New Author's Note)

It's officially been over a year since I wrote this and damn, do I have regrets. Not only is it sloppy and filled with undying weebness, it's just bad in general oops. Ehh, i'll keep it up for memories' sake.

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