Korea X Reader

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Quick A/N
Gaaah, so behind on requests! >~< I'mma probs make another book or account just for lemons, if I write lemons. You see, I am not 100% cofortable with writing them yet, and am still underage. I do not wish to break the law in any way. Thank you for your time and understanding, now have some Korea!
P.S. Early update because ·getting behind ·bored and ·You guys are awesome omg

"Hey! (Y/N!) C'Mere!"

You sighed, looking up from your book. You were almost positive that it was some computor thing or invention.

"Coming. . . " You called back, reluctantly pushing away a fleece blanket and standing up from your confortable place on the couch. You glanced out the window before walking over to Im Yong Soo to see what he wanted. Still snowing. He was visiting, and, of course, adored the snow. You hated it. It was almost Valentine's day, and snowing? Yuck. "What is it?" You asked, popping your head around the door. "Huh? Where are you?" Your friend grinned at you a little childishly from around an easle. "Here! I'm gonna draw you, ok? Just sit on that stool," He waved his hand absentmindedly in the general direction of a short wooden stool. You sat down patiently. Yes, you liked him, and yes, as more than a friend, and that was pretty much the only reason you let him draw you. Well, there was another reason- he was an excellent drawer. "I'll be just a moment," He told you, voice muffled due to the fact that he had a couple sketch pencils clamped firmly between his teeth as he rummaged through a couple pencil cases. You nodded, murmuring in agreement. You were pretty patient- especially with the energetic Korean-, so you didn't mind waiting much. "Ready!" He said, startling you from your daydreams. You smiled and nodded, sitting still. He looked at you, then the blank paper, then at you again. A slow frown spread across his face. "C'mon, smile! Your picture will look prettier!" You ignored the faint blush that crept to your cheeks. He was talking about the drawing being pretty, not you. You shrugged. "Naah, I don't really have anything to smile about. . . " He pouted at you, and you felt your heart melt a little. "Aaaw, c'mon! For meee?" You grinned a little at his whining, and his face immediately lit up. "Perfect~!" His pencil seemed to fly across the paper as his eyes once again flicked from your face to the easel. You tried your hardest to keep your grin, still finding nothing to smile about. The room filled with silence other than the scratching noises from the pencil. Outside the snow continued to fall silently, a confortable silence falling over the house. This isn't so bad. A couple minutes later, Im Yong Soo popped up from behind the artwork, a smudge of lead on his cheek. You raised an eyebrow at him questioningly. "I'm done the basic sketch," He said simply. You bounced up from your seat, hurrying over to take a look. Your face lit up when you saw the picture. It looked like you, all right. "Wow. . . It's amazing, " You breathed, vaguely aware that he was looking at your face rather than the drawing. A small smile was present on his face as he nodded in agreement, eyes still fixed on your delighted face. "Yeah. . . You sure are," He whispered, knowing that you were too mesmerized by the drawing to hear. *

"It's insanely good!"



"Not really, it's just a quick sketch," You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Seriously, it's like, amazing!" You looked at the drawing again. It was finished and looked amazing- in your opinion. But it was good- and now, instead of one pencil smudge, there were not two, but three smudges of lead on Korea's face. On his left cheek, on his forehead, and on his nose. You looked up at him. "Well, if this isn't good, then what are my drawings? They must suck," You said bluntly. His eyes widened and he shook his head quickly. "Oh, no, (Y/N)! Your drawings are amazing!" You shook your head, sighing. "That means your's are better than amazing, because they certainly are better than mine," You pointed out, looking back down at the drawing.

"And i'm not this pretty, either," You were mildly annoyed that he hadn't added the small zit on your forehead, the tiny scar on your chin, your few random freckles on your cheeks. They were part of you too, right? "Seriously, i'm way uglier than th-" The picture was abruptly snatched from your hands, wadded up, and tossed in the fireplace, where a crackling fire was aglow. "Hey!" You yelled, frowning. "What was that for?!" He looked down at you seriously. "Stop." He said softly. Your anger melted to confusion. "Stop? Stop what. . . ?" "Stop comparing yourself to a drawing!

You're right, you weren't that pretty," You felt your heart sink to your stomach. "You're prettier," He continued in a softer tone of voice. "And no work of art- picture, sketch, drawing, painting, collage- nothing!- could capture all your beauty," He went on, slowly. "Stop comparing yourself. You aren't society-perfect, but you're still perfect- perfect at being you. And you is all who you'll ever be, so why try to change? And calling yourself ugly won't change a thing. Besides, someone, some day, is going to accept you and whatever flaws you have-" He breaks off, looking away. "And that person is me, ok? I like you and every bit of you. I don't care what flaws you have, or think you have. You don't have to be flawless in order to be awesome; you can be flawsome." You stood there, stunned at his mini-speech. 'And that person is me, ok? I like you and every bit of you. . . '  The words were on repeat in your head. "Hey. . . " You reached out and rested a hand on his arm softly.

"I like you and every bit of you too,"

The room was silent. He turned slowly, looking at you with hope glowing in his eyes. "Really. . . ?" You nodded, smiling a little at him. "Let's be flawsome together, ok?" He grins and nods in agreement, pulling you into a hug. You hugged him back happily, smiling as you leaned your head on his chest. His heartbeat was soothing and, of course, rythemetic, the thump oddly calming. He sat down on the couch, pulling you along. You giggled, landing in his lap. Moments later, he had flipped you over so he was on top, hovering over you. "Hey, what are y-" His lips gently covered yours, blocking any words that you were going to say. He smiled at you cheekily as you gasped and blushed after he pulled away. "That-" You shook your head. "Was sneaky!" He laughs, laying next to you. "But you liked it," "I did." "Good."

And the two of you fell asleep that way, as his plan all along- also known as a stupidly flawless drawing- burned in the fire.

Hello, reader.
What Korea told you in here is true.
You are perfect at being you.
No-one can be youer than you can be you.
You are perfect.
100% perfect at being you.
And isn't you all who you need to be?

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