Romano X Reader (PREVIEW)

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SneakyPeeky of the next Country X Reader:

Romano X Reader

"Where the fuck is Spain?!" You heard an angry shout. Looking up from your magazine, you saw a very angry looking Romano enter the room. "I don't know," You replied casually to the scowling Italian. "Why? Is he late for a date?" You teased lightly, hoping the taunt wasn't true. The stomping stopped, but you felt the tension build up. "No!" He replied, furious at the suggestion. You giggled, stretching and tossing the magazine to the side. "Aaweh, okay then. . . Yaoi's cute, though." Scilence. "Just saying," You added sheepishly after a moment. But what he said next surprised you. . .

You likey? Okay, you will get the rest- promise- when my new book- "New Life - Book One- Rebel Girl" has some more reads, votes and comments. It's a Hetalia fanfic, I promise! So read it, vote & comment on it! Hate to be a bitch, but that's just how it rolls. Okay bye.


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