America X Reader - First Kiss

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"Hey, dudette, watch this!" You glanced up from your math book and at your friend and secret crush, Alfred. He was balancing a pen on his nose, cerulean eyes focused on in. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. You couldn't help but giggle, although you needed to get your work done. "That's nice, Alfred," you replied in a quiet, neutral voice. If he was trying to impress you, he had to try a little harder. He let out a huff, but didn't let the pen fall. You pretended to turn back to your work, but, nether the less, kept watching him from the corner of your eye. Then, very slowly, you reached out and poked him. "Hey!" He yelped and jump, causing the pen to clatter to the floor. The math teacher glanced over sharply. Her eyes narrowed. Alfred gulped. "S-Sorry miss, it won't happen again!" He hurriedly stammered, scrambling around the ground to retrieve his pen while you stifled a giggle. You pretended to ignore him staring at you, waiting until you looked up to see him, but chose not to, not wanting to make him think that you liked him. Instead, you hummed softly as you answered your math questions. "Psst!" You ignored his hiss that tried to get your attention. "Hey! (Y/N)! Psst!" You kept ignoring his loud whisper, pretending to not hear him just for the fun of it. He muttered something under his breath, before saying your name a little louder.

"Alfred Jones and (Y/N)! Detention for talking in my class!" You slowly looked up at his now-scarlet face. "S-Sorry!" He stammered; you ignored him, but gave him a completely emotionless look, then turned back to your work. He must have felt really bad or embarressed, because he didn't talk for the rest of the class.


"I'm really sorry about this," Alfred said with a sigh as the two of you walked down the hallway to the detention room after school. You shrugged, but didn't say anything. Heck, why not play hard to get? He panicked. "Dude, do you hate me now? I mean, dudette!... Or, whatever! Just say something, please!" When you said nothing. he stepped in front of you, making you stop. "C'mon, don't be like this! I know I made a mistake, I know I completely goofed up and was being an idiot!" You must've looked surprised, because he then nodded and added. "Yes, i'll admit it. Just this once. For you. Just please, please say something. Or even look at me." You had stared away from him as he ranted; simply to annoy him more. You liked it, having him beg at you like this. He groaned and smacked his palm on his forehead. "Really? Are you really going to act like this now?" It was completely silent after his words. You didn't say anything. Neither did he. The two of you just stood there, in the hallway, you staring at the wall, him desperately down at you. Then, slowly, he gently and hesitantly took your chin; lightly. You didn't object, trying not to shiver at his closeness as he took a step forwards. He slowly tilted your head so that you were staring up at him; it was impossible to ignore his surprisingly serious gaze now. "W-What?" You stammered softly, feeling a red-hot blush spread over the skin on your face. He smiled softly. "Finally! She spoke!" He murmured, half to himself. You blushed more. He chuckled, his free hand reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. Then, ever so slowly and cautiously. he leand down and kissed your cheek. You stiffened; he drew in a breath, waiting to see if you stepped back or drew away. But, much to his surprise, you instead slowly closed your eyes and your lips somehow made their way to his. The kiss was soft and innocent, but it was a dream come true for you; it almost seemed unreal. He pulled away slowly after a while; his cheeks were pink. "Shall we go to detention now, my fair lady...?" He teased softly. You nodded and laughed, grabbing his hand. "Yeah yeah, let's go!" And the two of you raced down the hall, hand in hand. 


DONEEEEE!!!! :D I did this in about 20 minutes... #proudofmyself //SHOT for being a common white girl and using a hashtag. Anywhore. Vote, comment, and if you really love me and my writing, REQUEST AND FOLLOWWWWW!!! Thanks!

Love y'all, ~arixlepixle

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