Denmark Pt. 2

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After class, you hurried out of the room and to your locker. You only had 5 minutes before classes; You had to hurry. You tried and tried to open your locker, but it didn't budge. Frusterated, you grabbed the lock and shook it. It didn't budge.

"Need help?"

You knew that accent... Almost too well.

"Mathias!" You exclaimed happily, whirling around, relieved. If anyone could get the damn locker open, it was the strong Dane. "Yes, I think," You replied hesitantly, cheeks darkening as you looked up into his twinkling blue eyes. He grinned and grabbed the top of the locker's door, giving it a sharp yank. The door swung open, and you laughed a breathless laugh.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver, Mathias!" You thanked him gratefully. He just smiled wider.

"What's my pay?"He asked teasingly as you put away some books and took your nect classes' books. You raised your eyebrows at his question, but stoop up on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss.

"That," You answered with a smile, turning to close your locker. After the lock was back in place, you turned to hurry to your next class. A hand grabbed your wrist before you could move a step, pulling you back a few steps. You found yourself locked in a hug; "I'll release you as soon as you agree to meet me at 11:30 outside the bathrooms. Fake sick, or something." "I have to get to class..." You mumbled, turning red. "Agree." "But Mathias-" "Agree." He repeated. You sighed and reluctantly nodded. "Okay, okay. I will..." He spun you around and kissed you, then, grinning, waved bye at you before heading to his next class. You waved back, cheeks still pink, before heading off to your own class.

*-time skip-*

You hurried down the hallway, eyes glued to the ground, binder clutched to your chest. It was 11.29; you had excused yourself to the bathroom, your class ended at 11.55. As you approached the bathrooms, you could see another figure- a tall, muscular built blonde- leaning against the wall between the bathroom entrances. A smile made it's way to your lips. It just had to be him. And it was. His face lit up at the sight of you, and, without a word, he quickly glanced down the hallway before taking your hand and pulling you into one of the bathrooms.

"Mathias!" You hissed, face reddening. He just smirked as he closed the door, locking it. He turned to face you; you suddenly had an urge to kiss those smirking lips, to run your hands and fingers through that gel-spiked hair, hold his face between your hands. So you did.

He wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you a little closer as he kissed you back. You kissed him hungirly, your's and his lips moving perfectly in sync. You slowly pulled away from him, resting your head on his firm chest. He smiled, stroking your hair softly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked you softly. You nodded and smiled slightly. It was all you wanted, really.

I listened to Radioactive, Someone Like You, Demons, If I Lose Myself, Love Somebody, Secrets and Drive By as I wrote this... Heheh. I love Maroon5, One Republic, Imagine Dragons and Train. A lot! I also love Simple Plan... Anyways. Thoughts? Requests? Vote, Comment and follow please!
xoxo arixlepixle

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