Finland X Reader ~ Valentines Day <3

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A/N (skip if ya wish)

First of all Happy Valentine's Day! The guy I like 'stole my heart' like omg I can't- so, i'll be basing this chapter off how that happened. Second, thank you all so, so much for more than 10k reads. Like seriously. O. M. G. Third, and lastly, thank you guys so, so much for almost 250 votes. Holee shet buckets. Anyhow. Enjoy~! ^·^

~ arixlepixle

Candy grams. Candy grams and styrofoam hearts. Oh, the joy. You sighed, pretty much knowing already how the day would go. Go to gym, internally spazz over your crush, recieve a styrofoam heart, wear the styrofoam heart, go to english, avoid guys, go to french, avoid guys, go to lunch- hopefully have a 'moment' with a certain someone. After reluctantly getting your gym bag from your locker, you closed the metal door with a clang, and hurried down the stairs, meeting up with Eliza, Bella and Lili on the way. "Think you'll get any candy grams?" Eliza asked jokingly. Sighing, you rolled your eyes. "As if! Who'd waste their money on me. . . ?" You wondered out loud. Eliza grinned at Bella mischeviously, who smirked. "Oh, I dunno," The Belgium started casually, pretending to think. Oh, Lord, not this. "Maybeee. . . Tino? Hm, I really don't know," She grinned at you- and it didn't help that Lili was giggling with Eliza. Your face grew hot. Why, oh why? "N-No he wo-" "Speak of the devil. . . " Eliza interrupted, nudging you in the side with her elbow. Following the place where her emerald eyes looked, you caught sight of your ever so beloved crush, Tino Väinämöinen. Gulping, you looked down to hide your darkening cheeks. Oh goodness. He was just walking there with Mathias and Lukas, looking perfect in khakis and a blue sweater. "Yeah," You huffed, looking up to glare at your Hungarian friend. "Well, don't you have a thing going on with Mathias. . . ?" If Eliza was embarrassed, she certainly didn't show it. "I dunno," She replied smoothly, waving at the Dane with a small smile. He shot a smile back at her, nodding in a boyish mammer. "Do I?" As you opened your mouth to reply, Tino smiled shyly at you, and for a moment, you forgot all about teasing Eliza. Your heart hammered in your chest, and your knees felt like rubber; in the end, you hardly managed a weak smile back. Mind still full of the vision of his ever-so-cute smile, your ears were immune to the sound of your friends' giggles and snickers. "Did you see that?!" You murmured dreamily, turning your head to catch a last glance of the Finn before he disappeared in the crowd of people that hurried to their first period classes. "Yeah yeah; we did! Now come along, Lil miss lovestruck," Eliza snorted, dragging you by the arm. "We have a class to go to!"

                         * * *

"Now, the rules with these hearts-" Mrs. Moore's eyes peered over her glasses as she adressed the small crowd of girls in front of her. You lisented intently, wanting to know every last detail of the school-famous 'heart game'. "You write your name on the heart in marker, and pin it to your shirt. The first guy to make you talk gets your heart. Ok? It's simple, really." The teacher shrugged, handing a small stack of the said hearts to a random girl in the crowd. A murmur of agreement swept through the small class, and you nodded numbly, accepting a red heart from Eliza. "Good. Then there are no questions, I assume? Ok, go to the changing room and change, then go to Gym A for class. I'll see you guys there!" After printing your name across the center of your heart in black permanent marker, you tucked the heart in your pocket, slung your gym bag over your shoulder, and joined Eliza, Bella, and Lili in the changing room.

"Who do you think will get my heart?" Bella asked dreamily, smiling as she slipped her gym jersey over her head. "Antonio," Eliza replied immediately, glancing up from her place on the bench where she was tying her shoes. Bella blushed. "You think?" "I know." Eliza said flatly. "And we all know that you-know-who will get your heart, you goon," She continued right before you even began to ask who they thought would try to get your's. You shrugged, grinnining. Pleased with their answer, you ducked your head to tug your own sneakers on. "Really. . . ?" You murmured shyly. "I hope so." You raised your head, lifting an eyebrow at your brunette friend. "And it is 102.3% positive that Mathias will pester the crap out of you to get your heart, Eliza," You pointed out. Hah. Now it was her turn to blush. "Uh, guys?" Lili piped up before Eliza could react. "Who do you reckon will get mine. . . ?" "Raivis." You, Bella and Eliza all answered in unision with no hesitation whatsoever. Poor Lili turned positively pink, and couldn't even stammer out a response. "Anyways," Bella started, saving Lili from an awkward moment of embarrassing silence. "We should get going," Nodding in agreement, you grabbed your waterbattle and headed out the door with your friends.

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