Russia x Reader~Starting to Date

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"...Aaaand class dismissed!" your eyes snapped open. Once again, you had almost drifted off... Not that it was your fault; Russian was boring!...IF you didn't count the fact that your tutor was Ivan Bragainski... a hot Russian guy, who you had a secret crush on. You quickly gathered up your books; just as you were shoving your notebook into your bag, someone cleared their throat. Your head snapped up, and your eyes looked right into the innocent violet eyes of... none else, but Ivan Braginski. You could feel your heart flutter and your face grow hot as he smiled that smile that could melt butter in the winter. "привет, (y/n)!" He greeted you warmly. You smiled. "привет, I-Ivan!" You replied, flustered. Damn! You cursed under your breath, mentally kicking yourself. Why did you have to be such a clutz around him?!

You quickly stood up, slinging your backpack over one shoulder. "Ready to go?" he asked. You nodded, and the two of you walked down the hallway and to the library together. You plunked yourself down at one of the tables, and took out your books with a sigh. "Is it that bad?" Ivan asked with a laugh, sitting down next to you. You nodded, a little hesitantly. "Yeah... Sorry, but it is!" he eyed you. "Right. Now, onto work!" You nodded and gulped. Surely he didn't hate you now? You let out another mental groan as you pulled ot your books. He probably hates me for dissing his language! you thought. You glanced at him, worried. "Y-You don't hate me now, do you?" you asked tentatively. He laughed his deep laugh, shaking his head. "Nah! I don't think anyone could hate you!" he said cheerfully. "To tell the truth, I thought you would hate me for... well... coming up with this language." He explained with that same sweet smile. You smiled a tiny smile, shaking your head. "No, I don't hate you!" You replied sweetly. If only you knew, you thought dryly, plunking your books down on the table. 

You were finally getting the point to some Russian grammar, when a loud giggling behind you made your head turn; your eyes narrowed at the sight. Some kids from a grade younger were pointing at you and Ivan, whispering and giggling. You could only catch a few of the words; Love, Ew, Gross... They went on and on. "Can it!" you snapped, gathering up your books with a huff. Ivan looked at you, startled. "What is it, my sunflower?" he asked, bewildered. You jerked your head in the direction of the giggling, standing up with so much force that the chair flipped backwards. Your hair flew behind you as you whirled around; you stopped as a large hand closed over your right hand wrist. You turned your head, glaring fiercly; your face grew hot once more as you realized that Ivan had caught you. "Where are you going?" he asked, confused. "We still have 30 minutes!" you looked down, unable to meet his gaze. He said your name firmly. You ignored him. "Look at me." You sighed, slowly raised your head, eyes glaring in defiance. "Answer me; Where are you going?" You sighed, and pointed to a table that was hiding behind a bookshelf, out of view from others. "There," you explained. "Where no-one can see us." He nodded his head in understanding. "Ah," he said, sounding a little disappointed. "You don't like being called my girlfriend." Your gaze flew to his face. He looked a little... sad? Impossible!

"Ivan..." You said softly. "Forget it!" he growled suddenly, striding to the corner, hand still closed over your wrist. You let out a startled squeak as he half pulled you along. He let go, sitting down on one of the chairs, avoiding your gaze. You sighed sadly, sitting down across from him."Ivan..." you repeated. He didn't move. "Ivan." You said firmer. "Look at me. NOW:" you growled. He sighed and reluctently met your gaze coldly. "What?" he asked stonily. "I never ment it like that-" You broke off as in one swift movement, he had a hand covering your mouth. "Wait." he ordered, a slight blush dusting his cheeks. "Does that mean... that you WOULD be my girlfriend...?" you nodded, blushing, unable to speak due to the massive hand clasped on your mouth. He stared at you, stunned. "But..." you reached up, and with both of your hands, removed his. "Ivan..." You started. "I love you." the corner went scilent. He sat frozen. Slowly, his signiture smile crossed his face. "You mean it..?" he asked, amazed. You only nodded, blushing. He grinned, getting to his feet, puling you from your chair. He put his arms around your waist, pulling you close. You responded by wrapping your arms around his neck. He stared dpwn at you. "Well then. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Of course!" you giggled softly as he rested his forehead against yours. That was the last thing you said before soft lips pressed against yours, and you two lost yourselves in a magical world of Love.

Welp. I just winged that... I know, wasn't the best. But... Whatevs! Hope you enjoyed! Next we will have Italy! ;D

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