Russia X Reader

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A/N Ok, so this person is spamming me with the most wonderful comments ever, and she seems to have a thing for Russia, so this is for her. . . Enjoy, HetalianSunflower!

You peeked around a bookshelf. There! There he was!
"Spying on that scary Russian kid again?" You whirled around to see your friend, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. You nodded, narrowing your eyes. "Yep, and he is not scary!" You had liked- well, more like, adored- the Russian exchange student for a while now, but were forever-too-shy to actually go up to him and talk to him. But he was so dreamy-! Tall, muscular, mysterious. . . His eyes were so captivating, and his smile, that you had only seen once or twice, was so childish and cute! He seemed to have an obsession over sunflowers- he doodled them around his math notes during class. You knew every last bit about him, that he spoke of. His name, his height, his age, his nationality, his dislikes, his likes- no, scratch that. You didn't know who he liked. Sure, you had talked to him some, and sat across from him in History- which he was excellent at- but that was it. You cherished every moment you had been talking with him, and recalled every conversation- even the 'Hellos' exhanged in the hallways between classes. You sighed softly, memories on repeat. Your poor friend. She stood there, shaking her head as she watched you drift off into dreamland.
"Seriously. . . ?" Her voice made you snap out of it again.
"Oh, er, sorry!" You squeaked, blushing. She always caught you daydreaming. . .
She rolled her eyes and grinned. "Whatever, it's ok! Anyways, Bella and I are going to go look at magazines- you coming?" You shook your head in response. "Naah, i'm going to-" "Stare at the Russian dude, daydream, and stare at the Russian dude." She said bluntly. You blushed darker, knowing she was right, as she snickered. "N-No, I was actually. . . Eh. . . Going to go look at cook books. . . ?"
"Nice try, but I don't believe you," Your friend grinned. "Okay, have fun dreaming," And with that, she was gone. And you were back to daydreaming.
"Okay class, we better get going now," Your teacher's voice called out. You looked up from your comfy spot on an armchair in the back of the room. You had been reading a book, peeking over the top now and then to sneak a peek at Ivan. He was sitting a while away, adorably curled up on a bean-bag with a book. Sighing, you placed a bookmark in your book and got up to go. You glanced over at Ivan, seeing that he was doing the same. His violet eyes wandered over to you- your gaze met with his for a moment. He looked a little surprised at first, then smiled. "Oh, I didn't know you were back here! You're so quiet!" You stared at him, absolute and utterly speechless. Sure that you were tomato red, you managed a small nod in response. "Y-Yeah. . . I guess," You managed to get out. He turned and waved at you, still smiling. "Da! Well, see you in math later!" And with that, he was off, striding down the isle with long steps. You followed moments after, still stunned and speechless.
Science seemed to drag by. Your bored eyes watched the second hand tick rythemetically as the teacher droned on. Sighing, you tapped your pencil on your paper and rewinded your mind to the library again.
"Yeah! Well, see you in math later!"
Your heart fluttered at hearing his voice in your mind. And the next thing you knew, the bell was ringing. Wow. He really did work wonders. Scooping up your books, you hurried to your locker to get your math textbook and notebook. Hurrying down the crowded hallways was torture. Damned slow walkers. You finally reached your locker and- it wouldn't budge. Oh, for the love of Italy, what luck. "Open, dammit!" You rattled the stubborn door, but it wouldn't move an inch. "You need help, yeah?"
The words froze you in your actions, your knees melting a little at the dreamy accent. "Uh, yeah," You squeaked, heat filling your flustered face. Ivan stepped forwards and grabbed the handle to your locker, swinging it open easily. You put your books away gratefully, taking your mathbooks out. "Thanks, Ivan," You said gratefully, shooting him a smile as you closed your locker. He returned the smile. "Ah, not a problem! Let's go?" You nodded in agreement, and set off with him, side by side.

"Does your locker always do that?" He asked curiously. You sighed and nodded slowly. "Yeah, usually!"
"Ah," He nodded in understanding. "And that's why you're usually late to math class, yeah?" Another nod. "Yup. And the teacher hates me for it." You smiled blankly and shrugged. "Oh well!" He was quiet. "Well, if I came everyday to your locker, I could open it," He started. "But that's a couple thing," You blurted before you could stop yourself. "Yeah, I know," He replied with a smile. "So why not?" Your heart thudded in your chest, and you stopped altogether in the busy halls. He halted as well, looking down at you questioningly. "Wh-What do you mean?" You stuttered, blushing.
"I mean, why aren't we a couple? We do like eachother, right?" You nodded, slowly. "W-Well, I like you-" "And I like you," He cut you off. Holy. Freaking. Shizzles. "R-Really?" He nodded simply. "Yeah, I wouldn't lie to you. Your little conversations and sweet smiles make my days, for real. And that friend of yours may or may not be behind this," He grinned as your cheeks flared up again. "Remind me to kill her later," You muttered. He laughed and took your hand gently.

"Ah, no need to do that! After all," He turned, facing you. "She did get us together." Your tongue coudln't move, so you nodded instead. "T-True," You whispered after a couple moments. And was it your imagination, or was his face getting closer and closer? Well, it certainly wasn't your imagination, because just a couple seconds into your wondering, his lips pressed against your's gently.
Done! :D I wrote this in 20 minutes oops
Hope you guys liked it! ^·^
Vote, comment, follow, meh ._.

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