France X Reader

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"Aaah, if it isn't mon cher~" Oh, you knew that voice, that french accented voice. "Hi, Francis!" You replied, ignoring the fact that he was literally right behind you. Everyone accused him of liking you, but you brushed it off. You thought they were just teasing. Besides, the French was a known flirt, and acted like this around every single female he knew. "But he acts even more flirty around you," Your friends had insisted. You just ignored their feeble attempts of trying to persuade you that the handsome frenchman had a crush on you. "I was wondering. . . " Oh, this sounded interesting. Maybe he wanted you to do his homework. "No, Francis, I won't do your homework or essays," You interrupted, in a firm voice as you closed your locker and slung your bag over your shoulder. He laughed his trademark laugh, resting a hand on your shoulder. "Non, non!" He laughed again, grinning down at you.

"Nothing like that!" You frowned. What else could he want? "Oh, i'm not going to help you spy on Gil and Eliza, either!" You addded quickly. You weren't much on spying on others- to be honest, you weren't really big on relationships. Maybe that was why you were so oblivious to your french friend's constant flirting. "I wanted to know if, aah, you wanted to go on a date with me?" It ended in more of a question rather than a statement, and you looked up at him in unmasked surprise. He was grinning down at you nervously, and was he. . . blushing?! It seemed highly unlikely, so you brushed the thought away. You were just imagining things, or something. "Uhhm, sure, I guess," You replied, not sure what you were really in for now.

"Great!" His face lit up in genuine happiness, and you certainly surprised to see that. "I'll pick you up at 6 then~ Be ready!" And with that, he was gone, sriding down the hallway in big steps, whistling to himself. "Ooh, was that what I think it was?" You heard a teasing voice and turned to see your friends, Bella and Eliza, grinning at you. You could feel your cheeks flare up.
"Oh, give it a break, guys!" You protested. "We're just friends!' You insisted.

"Oh, sure, 'cause friends go on dates together. . . " Eliza rolled her eyes, Bella giggling at the other girl's statement. You blushed darker, shrugging. "Well then, a date between friends. . . ?" But you knew that what the Hungarian said was true. "Well, let's get going. . . " You muttered as the two of them dissolved in giggles. The three of you headed out, Bella and Eliza chatting all the way. But you were for once quiet, eyes wandering. Moments later, you found that they had settled on a figure that was a while away- Francis. He was walking with his friends, Antonio and Gilbert, and for some reason, you longed that the three of you could walk with them. After all, there was definatly some chemistry going on between Bella and Antonio- and Eliza and Gilbert? You'd caught them kissing in secret, but it wasn't like she would ever tell them that she liked "That Prussian Goof"- although she spoke fondly of him. And Antonio was forever planting 'innocent' kisses on Bella's cheeks, making her blush. It was just you. Just you and Francis. The two of you usually stood a while away from the two couples, watching together as Eliza would swat playfully at Gilbert when he tugged her hair, while a giggling Bella chased a laughing Antonio around, who usually stole her ribbon. Now, you almost longed for a similar relationship- but with Francis. And you didn't know why.

4:30 ticked by, and sooner than you knew it, 5:00 rolled in- and you started getting ready, slowly but surely. Flicking through your few dresses, you finally selected a black knee-length dress that was tight until the waist, then flared around your knees. It sounded childish, but with a slight hi-lo, looked pretty sophisticated- especially with the kinda low v-neck. You decided to just let your hair loose, brushing it out throughly. It fell down to your (waist, shoulders, chin, armpits, etc) silkily, a few locks framing your face. Going for the natural look, you only added a touch of mascara and a quick swipe of lipgloss. You passed on the blush, figuring that it would come naturally once Francis was around. After quickly slipping into black heels and grabbing your black silk clutch, you hurried down the stairs to wait.
Ding dong!
Your heart fluttered, leaping to your throat. It was him, you were sure of it.
"H-Hello?" You opened the door slowly, shyly. You were sure he could hear your pounding heart that threatened to leap out of your mouth, because he was standing there, smiling as he extended a single, perfect red rose to you. "Th-Thank you," Damn, why am I stuttering?! You mentally face palmed, feeling like an idiot. You accepted the rose, giving it a delicate sniff."It's beautiful," You whispered, mesmerized by the perfect, unblemished velvety red petals. The leaves were dark green and soft, untorn and smooth. "Ah, but not as beautiful as you," He bowed down, taking your empty hand to his mouth and kissing it. You felt the heat flood to your cheeks, and found yourself speechless. You blushed darker as you took in his outfit. He looked simply gorgeous in a white blouse and black vest, along with black dress pants and shores. His golden blond hair was perfect as usual, almost at his chin, slightly waved and silky- but, unlike being lose like usual, he had pulled it back into a small ponytail at the nape of his neck. And it was sexy. Oh, how you found yourself longing to run your hands through those golden waves. "Should we go?" His voice startled you from your thoughts, and you snapped out of your 'trance, blushing. Dammit, stop blushing! "Err, yeah," You stammered, nodding as he locked his cerulean eyes with yours.

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