Denmark X Reader - Refound

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You glanced down at your scedule again. Yep. Your class certainly was down this hallway. You hurried through the crowd, attempting to duck and dodge past all the bustling people. As you attempted to slip around a small group of chatting girls, a figure that had been coming towards you that you hadn't paid much attention to before accidently collided into you, and you toppled over.
"Oh! I'm sorry!"
A breathless voice spoke to you. You looked up from your place on the ground, breath catching in your throat when your eyes met a pair of chrystal blue ones.
You questioned in disbelief, grasping the hand that the guy held out to you. A grin spread across his face as quick as butter melting in an over-heated pan as he helped you up. He nodded and laughed a little.
He had been your crush all through grade school- and even when he went to a different middle school, you day-dreamed about him every day. And here he was, turning up at your new high school, golden-blonde hair as unruly and messy as usual. You stole a glance at his face, and almost regretted it, because when you did, you were hardly able to pry your gaze away. He still had the cocky look to him, but it wasn't as childish. Yep, his grin was as broad, but was his jaw still broad as ever? Check that off the list, it was broader than ever.
"So, we meet again!"
He stated, still ginning. You smiled back weakly and nodded, still stunned at his appearance and your luck.
"I missed you."
The words took you by surprise, and your eyebrows shot up.
You stuttered. He glanced at you and smirked.
"Would I lie to you?"
Your cheeks flared up with heat, and your shoes suddenly seemed a lot more intresting. His laughter filled your ears and he nudged your shoulder.
"It seems to be that i've forgotten how cute you are when you blush,"
He states as the two of you walk down the hall together. It seems to be that you had been heading in the wrong direction, and he happened to have a class directly across the hall from your's. His remark made you blush more, and your shoes got even more intresting. He laughed again.
"Aaaw, c'mon! No-One blushes that easily!"
"I do,"
You mumbled under your breath, turning beet red. He paused, considering this, before nodding in agreement.
He grinned.
"Really, though, (name). I'm happy to see you here."
The smile he gave you made you feel from the tips of your toes all the way up to your head.
"Well, that's your class..."
He trailed off, genuinely disappointed that the two of you had to part. You nodded reluctantly and sighed.
"Yeah... Well, I better go,"
You forced a smile at him, turning away. You had taken but one step, when a hand closed around your wrist. You turned a little, confused.
"Mathias, what are you doi-"
You were cut off when his lips pressed gently against yours.
"See you after class,"
He murmured, pulling away and quickly vanishing into the crowd of students that were flowing into his class. A smile crept to your lips. That had been the first time you had seen Mathias blush.

*cheerful smile*
Yep, you all hate these and usually skip over them, but I need to write them! So, how was this? (Sorry it's short)

New AN!!!

Brb im crying this is so bad an short and ew guys how did you manage to sit through this it makes me want to rinse my eyes and brain out with bleach

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