Romano X Reader

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Okay so here's the update I promised, thanks for getting my new book on the right track! :D You guys truly are the best! I promise i'll alternate my updates between them, and your encouraging comments really do help. I do read them all, seriously. I read them, and I cry over them. Sometimes. LIke, one of my chapters got tons of comments and I felt so loved, I sobbed. Grossly. xD Anywho, just. . . comment, okay? Please. It really is encouraging, and it keeps me writing and motivated. Thanks!


"Where the fuck is Spain?!" You heard an angry shout. Looking up from your magazine, you saw a very angry looking Romano enter the room. "I don't know," You replied casually to the scowling Italian. "Why? Is he late for a date?" You teased lightly, hoping the taunt wasn't true. The stomping stopped, but you felt the tension build up. "No!" He replied, furious at the suggestion. You giggled, stretching and tossing the magazine to the side. "Aaweh, okay then. . . Yaoi's cute, though." Scilence. "Just saying," You added sheepishly after a moment. But what he said next surprised you. . . "Honestly, i'm not gay. In fact, I am very much straight, thank you very much," He huffed before continuing. "Actually, I am currently in love with a girl." You felt your heart sink, but didn't let your feelings show. "Oh?" You replied neutrally, flipping through your magazine casually. "That's nice." "Yes." He answered, as if trying to desperately prove a point. "And, she's beautiful, kind, sweet, loving. . . Actually, she's perfect!" He announced.

"Mmmhmm. . . " You got more and more jealous by the second, but ignored the feelings, pushing them far, far back. Scilence filled the room, but it wasn't awkward for you. It was awkward for him, though; his next words proved it. "Uhh," He cleared his throat. "Aren't you going to ask who she is?" He asked. You giggled and shook your head. "Naah, i'm fine," Grinning up at him probably looked so easy, but you really had to force it. It was hard. He just scwoled. "Ask already, dammit!" You shook your head in reply. "Nope, but you really sound desperate to tell. . . I mean, you can tell if you want, but I couldn't care less."

You closed the magazine and looked up at him expectantly. "Well?" He glared at you, not saying a word. "I won't tell if you don't want me to! You do want to know, just give it up and admit it, dammit!" You sighed. Deep down inside, you really did want to know- he was right. "Fine. . . " You dragged out the word, rolling your eyes. "I want to know," You admitted.

He grinned triumphantly, his eyes gleaming with the I told you so l;ook in them. Then came the hard part. You see, Lovino thought it would be easy to say just a simple name that meant so much to him. But it wasn't easy.

"I'm waiting," You said after a minute or two of waiting in dead scilence. He sighed. "Well, maybe i'll tell you some other day. . . Or, how about this: I tell you who I like if you tell me! But you have to go first, okay. . . ?"  He rushed out. You closed your eyes slowly. Heck, maybe you would! Like, why not? It was, after all, better to like than to hate.

"Fine," You finally agreed to his idea, making his face light up. "But only if we say it at the same time." He gulped, thinking it through. Okay," He agreed reluctantly. "1, 2, 3, Go!" About a million emotions and feelings rushed through your mind in those few seconds. You already felt dread and regret in finally telling him about the feelings you had kept hidden from him for almost three years. "You." There, you had said it. Actually, you hadn't. THAT had been Romano's voice. Your's came about a second later, echoing his. And when he said just that one word, you felt a rush of relief, and you let out a breathless laugh as if you couldn't believe it. He stared at you, stunned. "If ths is a joke," He started. You got up, smiling. "Nah, I don't do mean pranks like that," You answered with a grin. He smiled back, just a teeny smile, but it was there. You liked it when he smiled.

It made it seem like you were doing something right, because he rarely smiled. "I like your smile," You said your thoughts aloud, blushing when you realized you had. Hell, you were going to play along now. "It's very sexy. . ." You trailed off, now smirking more than smiling. He rolled his eyes and blushed. "You look better, okay?" He mumbled, pulling you into a hug so you couldn't see his face. You smiled, leaning your head against his chest. You were glad he bothered you about things like this. "Uh, Romano? Why did you need Spain?" You asked suddenly. A pause. Then his reply: "I didn't. I just needed an excuse to talk to you.

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