??????? X Reader- Special Edition

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Okay. . . i've been neglecting this book. Hell, i've been neglecting Wattpad. I've come to a desicion. Hear me out, I beg you guys. Please. Just read this author's note. Okay, here goes:

This is the final part to this book. I'm serious about it. Here's why: (nothing bad)
·I began this when my writing skills were shitty as Hell
·I have waaaay too many requests (not a bad thing)
·I'm bored of it.
·I moved. Again. Hella ton if packing, Hella ton of stress. Not a Hella ton of time, sadly .-.

Now. Because you guys have been good little reader-chans and voted and commented and SOME NICE READER-CHANS FOLLOWED *hint hint*- ahem. I have made this chapter extra long, extra cute, and extra awesome with a freaking fabulous character- the one you guys have been requesting prolly the most- Germany (: It'll be an adorable as Japanese shit chapter, promise. Oh and- one last rant: please don't comment useless little comments (: Frankly- and I don't mean to sound like the rudest bitch alive- but I don't CARE if you know how to multiply fractions. Okay? I USED IT AS A FUCKING EXAMPLE. I PROLLY GOT 15+ COMMENTS LIKE THIS: lol thats easy lol

"Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." "Life's burdens are lighter when I/you laugh."

You had probably heard the sayings over a hundred times each, and now they were starting to piss you off. Every little mistake you made, someone popped up chirping a new motivational quote that was intended to calm your out-of-wack hormones a little, and make you take some deep breaths. And these hormones were caused by two teeny little human beings- X and Y. Or, Alexander and Tiina. The little babies that were nestled in you, too small and innocent to know what was going on, and unaware of the hormone inclines and declines. But oh, how they made you mad sometimes!

"Stop it, Alexander," You groaned, leaning against the wall. The whole day had been filled with constant movement from the twins, causing three things: An aching back, a huge vocabulary of swear words, and a shit ton of quotes. Alexander ignored you and kept moving within you, kicking occasionally.

"I think it's fascinating," Ludwig said quietly. You glanced up at your boyfriend. You hadn't heard him approach, but you were stunned by how at-ease he looked, that you couldn't utter a word. The hardness of his ice blue eyes were melted by the warmth of any dad's affection, and his hands were resting on your swollen stomach. But what surprised you the most was the fact that the corners of his lips were pulled back slightly, curling upwards in the smallest of smiles. And it was an adorable smile; content and fatherly. Your gaze shifted to his eyes. They were filled with passion and love, flecked with the firey readiness to protect his unborn children.

"I felt him kick!" His voice.

"Mmhmm," You replied, more focused on the way his eyes lit up with joy and pride as he felt his son's small foot press against his hand for a fraction of a second. But the way he said it; the tone was filled with amazement and wonder, and as the words passed his lips, his expression turned to one of awe. What you found amazing was how your stern and quiet boyfriend turned soft as mush whenever his eyes rested on your protuding stomach.

"Again!" This time, you smiled as well, looking up at him. He looked happier than a kid at Christmas time. He met your gaze, eyes brimming with emotion.

"How many more months?" He asked.

"Just 2," You replied, resting one of your hands on his. He smiled and closed his eyes for a moment.

"I can't wait," He murmured. You nodded in agreement. The two of you stayed that way for a while, standing in a warm blanket of silence, your hand on his. Your eyes remained closed, as well as his. You bonded through the pregnancy. No longer was it an out of marriage mistake; it was a  fateful miracle, multiplied. Twins. The blissful word was a bad one 5 months ago when you found out; to Ludwig, it had been worse. He refused to be involved, insisting it was a mistake; never meant to happen. But when you caught him crying at midnight over the pictures from your first ultrasound, he finally fell head over heels at the thought of becoming a father.

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