America X Reader ~ MYSTERY XD

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Quick A/N (READ)

Ok so I wrote a list of who I have lined up. I will get to all of them. Not in the order that they were ordered- simply the one's most conveniant for me. So, while you're waiting for your request, enjoy some others! :)
P.S. Sorry for going update-crazy ._.

You glanced out the window miserably as more rain hammered down. It rained down on the road, pattered against the roof-top, poured at the windows. You sighed, resting your forehead against the glass. These days tended to get so boring. They made you miserable, sad and down. Your eyes idly followed raindrops that trickled down the glass, creating squiggly marks. You were so unfocused, you didn't see the figure of your boyfriend- who you assumed was out of town- hurrying through the rain. A sharp rapping at the door alerted you from your gazing out into the freezing November rain. You glanced down at your clothes nervously. Casual wear- an over-sized knitted white sweater with skinny jeans; your hair was lazily tossed up into a messy bun. Fine enough. You over to the door, your pace lacking it's usual bounce. When you opened the door, your jaw dropped. It was Alfred Jones, your boyfriend. He grinned at your stunned smile.
"Gonna let me in or not? I'm freezing!"
He 'complained'. You nodded and laughed, the gloomy day seeming a lot brighter all of the sudden as you stepped back to let the sopping American in. He peeled off his coat and hung it up, folding up his umbrella and kicking off his boots.
He then turned to you and kissed your cheek. "So, whatcha wanna do?"
He asked, grinning cockily. You returned the smile, laughing softly and taking his hand. You half pulled half dragged him to your kitchen.
"We'll make hot chocolate, start a fire, then snuggle up on the couch with a fleece blanket."
You informed him. His face lit up and he nodded enthusiastically.
"Okay! Let's!"
He agreed, and the two of you started making hot chocolate, chatting and laughing all the while. While you plopped a few fat marshmallows into each steaming mug, Alfred went to your living room and started the fire. You hurried to the living room and set the mugs down on the coffee table, then yanked a folded fleece blanket off from the couch. Minutes later, the fire was snapping and crackling, and when your boyfriend snapped the lights off, the flames gave the room a slight glow and a cozy atmesphere. He sat down on the couch, beckoning for you to join him. You smiled softly and tucked a stray lock of hair behind you ear before slowly walking to him. He reached out and took your hands, tugging you down lightly. You giggled and kissed his nose as you wiggled your way under the cozy blanket. He grinned at you and picked up a mug from the table and handed it to you, then took the other for himself.
You murmured, taking a small sip, careful not to burn your lips. He smiled at you and took a sip of his own hot chocolate. The two of you sat together, snuggled under the blanket, and drank your warm drink while chatting. You sighed in contentment, setting your mug onto the coffee table.
You rested your head on Al's head, smiling slightly. He grinned, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you a little closer. You lifted your head and kissed him softly, and he slowly brought a hand up to your cheek and massaged it gently with his thumb, kissing you back. You smiled a satisfied smile as you pulled away. Leave it to your Awesome American boyfriend to brighten up a dull day!



Sorry this is short.
I'mma try to write an Iggy now owo
Bye! ^^


New AN

Gaah so bad and short and nope I cANT HANDLE TH E WEEBN ESS HELPL

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