Man why did I want to do this again, my parents are gonna kill me.....

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Chapter Four:  Man why did I want to do this again, my parents are going to kill me…….

Danny’s P.O.V.

Ugh freaking alarm clock, I hate the damn thing and hit it a tad bit too hard so looks like I need another one.  It is five a.m. and I have to meet dad around back “no later than twenty after five!”  I groan as I roll off my bed.  Who the hell knew I am so out of shape, I mean I walk to and from school, always take the stairs but man I am sore everywhere today.  Dad almost killed me last night and I have to do it again this morning then double this evening.  The sad thing is that I asked for this, man am I bright or what? Okay I have eaten my three, yup you heard me three, protein bars and drank my two cups of orange juice I am heading out the back door, day two here I come!!

John’s P.O.V.

I really have to give my girl some credit.  I worked Danny’s ass off last night and pushed her to the point that I have had male wolves call it quits but she pushed right through the pain and kept going.  Here she comes now.  I can tell by the way she is moving that her muscles are sore so let’s see how she does this morning.  Well, well, well, sore muscles and all Danny did everything I asked her to and increased her speed by three minutes.  I know that she was literally in pain at times but she has yet to groan or utter any complaint.  I am telling you this is my baby girl right here.  I just hope that she can push through this evening’s session.  If she survives it then it is going to do nothing but get easier for her.  Trust me I train combat fighters, enforcers and pack warriors for a living I know what the hell I am talking about.  Looks like my Danny got her looks from her Momma and her backbone and stamina from her Daddy.  Now we just have to put the two together and she is going to be hell on heels! 

Brendon’s P.O.V.

I decided to go for my morning run a little early this morning so that we could all go to the beach later on.  As I was out running I noticed that John, our pack enforcer, was training on the field.  I was curious so I ran closer to see who he was training outside of class.  To my surprise it was a girl wearing a black sports bra and tight booty shorts.  She was doing sit-up’s like there was no tomorrow.  I couldn’t get a good look at her face but I could see enough to know that she was pretty under the sweat and dirt.  I would be willing to bet whoever she is will catch some wolves attention.  I mean working out with John she is going to have a killer body and I can tell you she is pretty dirty and sweaty so take that away and I am sure this is one fine momma.  Hmm, the question is who is she and why is John training her outside of class?  Don’t know maybe I will look into it later but I gotta hurry it up so I can shower before hitting the beach.  Can’t be missing out on the best babes because I got there late!

Sabrina’s P.O.V.

Danny and John have just got back from their morning workout and they are both yucky.  I send Danny up to shower, shave, shampoo and condition her hair.  When she is finished with that I am going to teach her how to blow out her hair and style it, pick out a cute casual outfit and then apply makeup that is fitting for her outfit.  She is going to hate it but needs to learn it so let the training begin.  Did I forget to mention that I am going to be drilling little details in her head like walk with you head up, do not look at your feet, make eye contact with a guy when you walk by, show what you have but not all of it leaving them wondering and guessing and little details like that.  Things that all women should know and sadly my little woman doesn’t but no worries because Momma is going to save the day.  Dang she has been upstairs for forty five minutes which means I am going in!

Landon’s P.O.V.

Man you have just gotta love Saturday’s when it is nice and warm.  Why?  It means beach days with girls in little bikinis, bonfires, beer and fun in the son with my boys.  Brendon called last night to let me know he had called and face- booked our crew so everyone was hitting the beach today.  I am always excited about beach days but today more so than ever.  I hate to admit this is the fourth bathing suit that I have put on and I oiled my chest, arms and back after I got out of the shower this morning.  I just want to look my very best, yes I am sexy all the time but I want to be Calvin Klein underwear model sexy today because my mate just may be there.  So hell yeah I want to look good and am so damn excited that I have butterflies in my stomach ! I hear Justin Timberlake singing Bringing Sexy Back and cuss Brendon as I answer the phone for fucking with my ringtones again, that shit is annoying.  Brendon rattles on and on about who is bringing what, who he wants to hook up with and then he catches my attention.  Apparently our pack enforcer was training some pretty girl early this morning and Saturday morning is not one of his class days so we are wondering who this little hottie is?  Well maybe she will be at the beach today, guess we will see.  I focus back in on Brendon going on like a girl before I interrupt him to let him know we need to roll out, the day is wasting. 

Landon’s P.O.V. later that evening

Okay so today was okay but I really wasn’t feeling it.  I feel weird and out of sorts.  Everywhere I go I am searching for her scent and find that all the other girls scent repulses me now.  See that is a problem, how am I going to keep up my status quo if the smell of girls makes my stomach roll.  NOT GOOD!!  Obviously my mate wasn’t at the beach so I bailed before dark.  I left Brendon on his own half-way through a case of beer with Bethany on his lap.  No worries they will all sleep it off on the beach just like always.  Man it is killing me, I can remember her smell so clearly, it makes me lonely and I long for her.  That is messed up!  I am too damn young to be this tied up over any girl but me and my wolf want her.  We want to be tied in knots because of her.  We want her to be our everything and we want it NOW!!

Danny’s P.O.V. later that evening

I am having a heart attack.  Call the pack doctor because I know I am dying.  Daddy is just laughing his ass off while I am laying here in the back yard dying.  Oh great he has called Mom out here and they have taken to spraying me down with the darn water hose to cool me off like a freaking dog.  Just great!  The silver lining is that I did it, I doubled my routine from this morning and I kept up with dad.  You would think he would go easy on me seeing as how I am his daughter but nope he treats me just like any other recruit.  Did I mention I am still lying in the yard dying?

John’s P.O.V.

I am sitting here looking at my daughter rolling around yelling about having a heart attack and all I can do is laugh.  Sabrina comes out and she doubles over too.  We finally take pity on poor Danny and I spray her down with the water hose like you would a dog which causes Sabrina and me to go into another fit of laughter.  Danny doesn’t see the humor in it.  I swear youth is wasted on the young.  I am so proud of her though.  She did everything I asked of her this evening and even kept my pace.  I have to admit a couple of times I felt like lagging a little because she is my baby girl but I couldn’t do it.  I am an enforcer and a trainer and I treat ALL recruits as equals including my little girl.  She did so good!  Let’s see how she handles tomorrow.

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