Time to Interview......

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Chapter Nineteen:  Time to Interview.

Short chapter but it needed to be separate from the next chapter so that neither took away from the other.  The next chapter is longer.  Hopefully can update tomorrow!  Please be patient, summer semester started today so lots going on in REAL life. 

Alpha Richard’s P.O.V.

I have sent John and Brandon to collect Jason (John’s Brother), Chase (John’s oldest nephew andpossibly soon to be a new pack enforcer at his Uncles side) and Blade (John’s youngest nephew) to bring them to my office.  I have decided that we will talk with Jason, Chase and then Blade to see if Jason or Chase knows what Blade has been up to.  I will show them the evidence and we will go from there.  I will have pack warriors posted outside of my study where the two I am not speaking with will wait.  I will also have the security monitor on in the study with my security expert, Mark, monitoring and recording what is being said and done.  I will get to the bottom of this.  Then I have to bring in Landon and Danny and explain to them what is going on.  I know that Danny has become closer to Chase as he has been helping John with some of her training but she is not overly close to her Uncle or Blade but I am sure she will still be hurt and filled betrayed.  Landon is going to be out for blood.  This entire morning is going to be a mess.  John will be having to deal with business and personal issues at the same time so I am hoping between me and Brandon we can keep him from killing anyone but I have Brendon on standby just in case.  I hope I can use my Alpha powers to keep it together but we are dealing with a threat to my son, my best friend’s only child, my sons mate and my future daughter in law.  A beautiful young woman I have watched grow up from the time she was born and have even helped in rearing her as John has with Landon.  I already need some Tums and three or four Advil!  Ok John as walked in with Jason.  He assures me that Brandon is escorting Jason’s sons to the study and that he will be right with us.  Jason sits in front of my desk and my read on his facial expression confusion.  He doesn’t look guilty or concerned with me having him escorted here.  Hmmm.  Oh here is Brandon so I, well I suppose, we may begin.  “Jason do you have any knowledge of anything that maybe considered threatening in regards to Landon or Danielle?” I asked in my alpha tone so that he would be unable to lie to me.  “Alpha Richard I have no idea what you are speaking of?  Is someone threatening them?  Do you need me to work security for either of them?  John is someone trying to harm my niece?”  Jason asked in a very concerned and fearful voice.  “Jason do you know anything about any letters or pictures being delivered to Landon, the pack house, the Linkin house or to Danny?” I asked again in an Alpha tone.  “Alpha Richards, John, Brandon I have no idea what you are speaking of but I am thinking that someone is threatening Danny, Landon or both.  If that is the case I would like to be part of the protection detail.  As a pack warrior I am trained for these kinds of assignments.  Alpha you know that I can handle this as seeing how my brother here trained me!”  Jason said urgently.   “Alpha my sons were also escorted here do you suspect they are involved in this?”  Jason asked with a look of concern, anger and anxiety on his face.  “Jason we are not sure at this point.  I am going to question them both and then will let you know.  I am going to have John escort you to my study and bring Chase in for us to question.  Do not say anything about this to either of your sons nor anyone else in this pack including your wife.  As for the security detail John may have to take you up on that. That’s all I can say for now.  If either of your sons is involved I will discuss it with you.  We are questioning several people. “I said in a dismissive tone.  John took Jason to the study and came back with Chase.   “Good morning Chase.  I am sorry to have to bring you here this early in the morning but I have some very important questions to ask you.  You are due to be promoted to Enforcer within the next two months aren’t you?”  I asked.  “Yes sir I am.  My Uncle John has worked hard with me and feels that I am ready.  It will be a great honor to not only serve as protection for you, your family and our pack but also to work side by side with my Uncle John!”  Chase excitedly responded.  “Chase I need you to be honest with me.  I mean completely honest.  Do you have any knowledge of anything that maybe considered threatening in regards to Landon or Danielle? Do you know anything about any letters or pictures being delivered to Landon, the pack house, the Linkin house or to Danny?” I asked in my alpha tone so that he would be unable to lie to me.  “No sir I do not.  I have not even heard any rumors circulating about such a thing.  Is my baby cousin or your son being threatened?  If there is a threat to Danny I want on the detail.  We have been training together and we trust each other.  I have to help keep her safe!” Chase spoke nearly snarling.  “Chase I will be honest with you and tell you yes.  They are both being threatened and we know a member of our pack is involved.  I will have you not to speak of this matter to anyone.  Son that is an Alpha order I mean you speak of this to NO ONE.  You may be asked by John or Brandon to work some security at this point we just are not sure!”  I told him honestly.  “Uncle John is Dad or Blade involved?”  Chase asked John looking ashamed.  “Chase we are not sure but we will know after we interview Blade.  Then we will meet back with all of you.  I am going to have you go back to the study and your Uncle is going to bring Blade in.  See you soon.” I said dismissing him.  “Brandon looks like to me like they don’t know a thing.  They can’t override an alpha command so we know they are honest.  It seems like this is going to be on Blade.  Can’t wait to hear this!” I said as John walked in with his hand around the back of Blade’s neck escorting him in.  Yes this was clearly as sign of disrespect but we do have him on film so we all know he is involved so go John!   “Blade Linkin I am alpha ordering you to answer every question that I ask you from this point out truthfully, honestly and you are not to leave out a single detail.  Am I clear?” I demanded.  “Crystal.” He replied with a semi irritated tone.  That really just pissed me off more something he really doesn’t want to do at this point!  “Blade do you have any knowledge of anything that maybe considered threatening in regards to Landon or Danielle? Do you know anything about any letters or pictures being delivered to Landon, the pack house, the Linkin house or to Danny?” I demanded in a firm alpha tone.  He looked at me meeting me dead in the eyes for a good thirty seconds before he begin to respond.  Cocky little bastard.  “Well, let me see if you are referring to the package that I hand delivered here to the pack house and an envelope that I left on Landon’s windshield then yes I do.  As far as any letters, pictures or someone threatening either of them that I can’t tell you one way or another.  I am simply as well paid delivery boy sir!”  He replied in a smart ass tone.  Before I realized Brandon slapped the shit out of him and demanded that he show proper respect to his Alpha and high rankers.  “Blade who paid you to deliver these so called packages?  How much were you paid? Give me details and I want them NOW!” I demanded raising my voice quite a bit.  “I was called on my cell phone and asked if I would like to make some extra cash and get back at my Uncle John at the same time.  I told the person yes but it was according that what was expected of me.  He told me he would leave me packages at certain places for pickup and when they were delivered I would go back to the same spot and cash would be there.  I was paid $250 for the first package and around $500 for the envelope because I had to break into this place.” Blade said still maintaining eye contact.  My wolf was on edge and Brandon and John didn’t sound any better than I felt.  “Why would you want to get back at your Uncle John?” I questioned.  “Easy he did not even take a second to consider training me to be an Enforcer.  He chose Chase and I never got a second look.  Warrior that is all he feels I am worthy of.  So what more can I say?  Payback is a bitch!”  He smirked.  “So helping someone threaten to rape, kidnap and possibly kill your cousin Danielle is payback for not being deemed equipped to be an Enforcer?” I asked seeing red.  At this point I begin to see some remorse.  He stares at me, and then glances at John.  “He told me that he was just messing around scaring Landon and Danny but he was never going to do anything!”  Blade squawked.  “Well son I have letters and pictures that prove otherwise.  So what is the number he is calling from?” I demanded.  “Alpha it is always unknown.  I didn’t think he was serious.  I am mad at John but would never want Danny hurt or Landon either for that matter.” Blade said in tears.  Boo hoo.  He should have thought of that before.  “Brandon go fetch Jason and Chase it is time to let them in on what is going on.” I said lowly.  I called Mark in the security room and he assured me nothing had been said in the study by any of the three Linkin men before or after questioning but that Jason and Chase both looked very angry.  Great now I have to explain what Blade has done to a pissed of father and brother.   “Jason, Chase please come to my side of the desk I need to show you some video footage please.” I asked.  I showed both of them some of the video of Blade breaking into the garage and putting the envelope on Landon’s windshield.  As expected they both were furious and went to firing off questions.  Blade told them the same story he told us but the John showed them the two letters and one of the pictures of Danny that she was not completely compromised in and told them of the others.  They were irate.  They demanded that he be punished for being a traitor.  I agreed that we would lock him in the prison but we needed to come up with a plan so that the real threat was not aware that we were on to him.  Jeff one of the guards escorted Blade to a cell and came back and assured me he was in a cell and that four guards were on duty.  So the six of us agreed to meet back up this evening at five o’clock to attempt to come up with some kind of plan.  Great Landon and Danny are here.  This is going to be fun.  “Brandon you are more neutral here I am going to let you catch Landon and Danny up to date and John and I will support you, deal?”  I asked but we both knew it really wasn’t a question. 

Brandon’s P.O.V.

Great give me the job neither of them to butt munches wants.  Landon’s wolf can get touchy so this may get ugly.  Damn, damn, damn.    “Landon could you and Danny step into your fathers office so we can talk please?”  I yelled down the stairs at them as they were in the living room.  “Coming!” Danny said.  “Okay guys we all need to talk to you and show you two something important.  We don’t want you to lose your shit Landon so please put a tight rope on your wolf and Danny try not to worry doll we are going to handle this.  I have some security footage I need you two to review okay?” I asked calmly trying not to stir Landon’s wolf.  I know if I was to see what he is going to see I would act a fool so I am expecting the same from him.  Richard showed them the footage and played back the tape of the interview with Blade.  Landon had Danny in his lap with both arms around her snapping and snarling while she had her face buried in his neck crying.  “What is being done with that asshole and where is he?” Landon yelled.  Yup he is about five seconds away from going ape shit.  “Landon he is in a holding cell surrounded by guards.  At this point we can’t do anything else because he is the key to who is really behind this.  At this point we do not want to alert the real threat that we are onto him.” I said as calmly as possible.  God he is all but foaming at the mouth like a rabid raccoon.  “He is my cousin, why?”  Danny asked softly still crying.  John told her what he had told us about being passed over.   I then explained that Jason and Chase had nothing to do with any of this and how angry and upset they both were and both wanted to be on protection detail.  Danny smiled at this and whispered “yes to Chase I trust him” but Landon still looked more wolf than human at this point.  “Landon!  Landon!  If you are going to shift give Danny to one of us.  If you shift holding her you will hurt her!”  I stated urgently.  He looked back at me with brown eyes, shit his wolf has brown eyes and said in a toned that scared me to death ‘we would never hurt our mate.  Someone else wants to hurt our mate.  Blade has helped someone hurt our mate.  We will keep her safe.  She will not be going home John.  She will be with us now.  We are not going to let her out of our sight.  We must keep her safe.  You three do what you need to and we will not object but she stays with us.  I should also let you know that we are going to talk with our pretty little mate about marking her.  It will help me be able to feel her, locate her and the like.  Danny I am not talking about fully mating but you and I are going to discuss me marking you.  You will be with me from this point on.’ “Danny baby I am sorry I am being bossy, possessive and demanding but my wolf is making me.  I am afraid if you don’t give into this he may forcibly mark and perhaps mate you and that would kill me baby.  Please….” Landon said sounding more like Landon and less like his jackass alpha wolf.  

John’s P.O.V.

Well hell, could this have gone any worse.  Yeah, I guess my brother and my other nephew could have been involved.  Let me see my youngest nephew is in prison for being an accomplice to someone threatening Landon and Danny, we still don’t know who is after them and now it looks like my baby girl will be moving into the pack house with Landon whose wolf may or may not be marking her.  Holy Mother of Moses!!  Talk about a bad day for me and my family this ranks pretty high up there.  The sad thing is I can’t get around Landon’s wolf and neither can Richard or Danny.  Landon is correct.  If his wolf is demanding this and we go against it his wolf will do it anyway and NONE of us want that for Danny including Landon.  You should see him holding her.  I tell you looking at him right now I don’t think I could go through him and get her.  This may not be how I wanted this mating to progress but I guess it is what it is.  Now Michelle and Sabrina are going to be something else.  I am going to get with Richard and suggest that Landon be the one to break his ‘plan’ to them.  Oh yeah it is liable to get straight jacket crazy in this office before it is all over with.  “Alpha I think you need to call up our wives and let Landon tell them what is going on, what will be happening and the consequences if anyone interferes!” I smirk and wink at Richard.  “I agree John, Brandon are you staying or going?”  Richard asked. “Staying!” Brandon answered a little too quickly.  It was all I could do not to laugh.  Richard called downstairs to the Luna’s den to have her and Sabrina come up.  They were probably in there planning the mating ceremony or something, who knows.  I do know one thing though when Landon tells them what is going to be happening, the shit is going to hit the fan and we are going to sit back and watch it.  Don’t get me wrong we will intervene if we have to!  

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