What a weird day!

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Chapter One:  What a weird day!

Danielle a.k.a  Danny P.O.V.

Today was the day from hell!! I am seriously not kidding here people, you just don’t know but finally the last bell rang and I left the school building to begin the long walk home.  Others from my pack had their own cars, car pooled and the like but I tried to maintain a low profile in hopes to avoid attention.  As I make my way through the school parking lot I smell the most delicious, mouthwatering scent ever.  It smelled like fresh rain in the forest mixed with coconut.  It smelled amazing.  I did not look up, did not look around, I just speed up and kept walking.  I am 16 and I know that an amazing smell to me and my wolf was a sign that our mate was near.   I saw Landon when I came out of the door leaning against his car and now my wolf is yelling mate so loud I know exaclty who it is I had no desire to let Landon 's minions see my mate reject me the day I find him..  So like I said I kept moving and fast.  I made it home in fewer than twenty minutes as it usually takes me between thirty and forty minutes.  As soon as I got home I ran upstairs to my room and went to my Lycan History book to look up info on mates.  Needless to say after reading the two chapters I was really freaking out.  Holy Shit I think to myself, I have so got to talk to Mom and Dad tonight.  Tomorrow I am going to get a serious make-over and starting tomorrow evening my Dad is going to teach me to fight.  I am the enforcer’s daughter I should not only know how to defend myself but I should be able to kick ass verses always getting my ass kicked.  Hmmm, I wonder if that embarrasses my Dad, that the enforcer’s daughter gets beat up every other week or so.  Note the sarcasm please!  I am dead serious my mate may reject me but if he does I will not be the only one hurt, I may have a broken heart but he is going to have broken bones!!  Okay parents get home, sheesh any other time they would be up here bugging me with one million useless questions and the day I need them who the hell knows where they are…….

Landon P.O.V.

Damn I didn’t think the final bell would ever ring.  I mean don’t get me wrong Tonya is in my final class of the day and she always keeps me, um occupied, if you know what I am saying.  She is just one of the many pack sluts that throw themselves at me and my boys hoping and praying that we will give up on our true mates and mate with one of them, YEAH RIGHT!  Now I am sitting here leaning up on my car, yes I am a 16 year old guy so of course I am going to brag on my baby, she is a 2014 Dodge Challenger SRT dark grey with black rims and tinted windows of course.  As I am sitting here I catch a whiff of the most tantalizing smell I have ever smelled in my life.  It smells like two of my favorite things in the world vanilla and strawberry shortcake.  It takes me a minute to figure out what I smell.  Finally my wolf, the smartass, states the obvious.  “Landon that smells like our mate genius do you think you could possibly find her before I die of old age?  Move your ass boy!”  Like I said always a smartass; “hey you know I can hear you” he snarls.  I look around the parking lot, which is currently packed out with teenagers, cars, parents and two buses.  I don’t see anyone out of the ordinary so I have no clue.  Once Brendon scrapes himself off of Bethany, another pack slut, he gets in the car and we head home.  When the males in the pack turn 16 they are allowed to move into the “pack house” which of course is supervised, lived in and maintained by my parents the Alpha and Luna of the pack.  The females in the pack are also allowed to move in at 16 but only if they are having difficulties with controlling their wolves, problems at home or school or they find their mate who resides at the pack house.  Once we pull in the garage I head straight to my dad’s office to find a book to read up on mates.  As a future alpha my mate is more important than any other pack members mate as she will make me more powerful and help me run my pack.  An Alpha without a strong Luna is the beginning of an end to a pack.  I have to study this and make sure I don’t mess this up in any way.  

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