How to court the mate you bullied for years?

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Chapter Nine:  How to court the mate you have bullied for years?

Landon’s P.O.V.

Of course when I got home Brendon was driving me nuts wanting all the details.  I told him my six week plan.  He agreed that if I played my cards correctly it just might work.  We could both only find one problem.  We are players, you know here today gone tomorrow type of guys.  We don’t know the first damn thing about “courting” a girl or making a girl fall in love with you.  Hell our idea of a date with a girl was for her to meet us at the movie, go parking and drop her off at her house, skip walking her to the door.  Brendon decided that he didn’t think he would be a help so he decided to go “out” which means he was going to find some pack slut or skank to play with.  Okay think Landon think…..I need to really show her I have changed, she will want to feel special and I want her to see that I will love and cherish her every day of her life.  How?  I don’t watch lifetime and chick flicks so I am just lying on my bed staring and the ceiling with a big fat nothing.  I refuse to go ask my mom and dad because I want this to be all me.  All my thoughts and ideas, so she knows it is not someone’s ideas but mine.   I am going to the training center with her tomorrow; we have a pack meeting on Wednesday, back to training center on Thursday so maybe I can talk her into letting me take her out on Friday night.  Somewhere we can talk but not so private that she would get scared or nervous.  When we were little our Mom’s took us to the playground at the beach every single day; she loved the beach and she loved the swings.  What if I got us a picnic supper and took her to the beach to eat and then we go to the playground and talk while playing on the swings.  Maybe help her remember some good things about me?  Then maybe she might let me pick her up for school and take her home.  Landon so your roll first things first.  Tomorrow I have to fight her without hurting her but yet be convincing enough she doesn’t think I am holding back.  It shouldn’t be too hard.  I am going to text her to see if she wants me to pick her up for school in the morning, me and my wolf feel like we haven’t seen her in forever.  Now that we are sure she is our mate we just want her all the time.  She is more than likely going to shoot me down but I am going to risk it.

Danny you wanna ride with 2 skol 2morrow? Xoxo L

Okay I did it now let’s see what happens. I am a nervous wreck here it has been like three minutes and no response.  I turn on the TV and watch ESPN and am feeling a little tired, I guess I fell asleep.  Something loud in my ear woke me up.  I looked at my clock it was ten o’clock.  Oh I have a text message.  I don’t get too excited because I texted Danny at eight something so it is probably some old skank or Brendon wanting to brag.  I open my phone to read:

Thx Landon that is sweet but I have a new car remember?  How bout u pick me up from my house to go train n bring me home after?  Only if you wanna!  Let me know k? D

Okay Landon stay calm this is good, this is great.  Let her know that will be perfect, she seems a little like she thinks you might not really want to so let her know you do!

Babygurl that sounds grt I will even let u pix the station  xoxo -D

k Landon sleep well, sorry txt so late been running c u n the morning in lot?  I will be the 1 in red mustang lol.  Gd nite. D

Ok safe to say yes I will sleep well, yes she will see me in the lot in the morning and Brendon can either drive in the morning or find his on way home.   I am so excited I hope I sleep tonight, better text my boy and let him know the riding situation.

B u need to drve or get ride hm 2morrow- L

Ya bro no probs will drve n gd luck :0- B

Danny’s P.O.V.

Man I love my evening runs now.  It is more like relaxation than training.  Dad lets me run by myself so I put in my ear buds and crank up the volume on my IPod and relax and run the stress away.  I didn’t realize that is getting so late but when I got back home I realized I had been running for well over an hour and it was near ten o’clock.  I told Mom and Dad goodnight and went upstairs to my room and did my normal shower and nighttime routine.  When I got back in my room I noticed my cell flashing which meant I had a text.  Ok odd only my parents, the Luna or a few other pack members text me.  I opened it and it was a text from Landon that he sent at eight fourteen.  Sheesh it is ten o’clock is that to late to text back?  Will he think I hate him if I don’t text back?  Will I look desperate if I do?  Gosh why does the whole boys/dating/mate thing have to be so dang complicated?  Ok let me re-read the text and then I am going to reply.

Danny you wanna ride with 2 skol 2morrow? Xoxo L

Oh wow he really wants to pick me up and let the school see him drive up with me in his car.  Whoah, no girl rides to school with him like EVER.  Okay I need to play it cool my wolf reminds me.  We are still undecided so we do not need to be desperate or hasty.  We have six weeks to decide and need to be sure because either way what we chose at the end of the six weeks will change both of our lives forever.  Okay so maybe I can compromise and not seem desperate, cold or bitchy either.  Ok lets text him back.

Thx Landon that is sweet but I have a new car remember?  How bout u pick me up from my house to go train n bring me home after?  Only if you wanna!  Let me know k? D

Babygurl that sounds grt I will even let u pix the station  xoxo -D

Wow Baby girl huh.  Sounds like one of his player lines to me.  You know don’t bother learning their names just call them all baby girl then you want get confused.  I don’t really like that but yet my wolf is purring at him calling us baby girl.  Man I really am clueless as the come.  Guys are like aliens, I swear I know nothing about them!  Okay just going to text him good night and attempt to calm my nerves and sleep.  Look at the bright side tomorrow we get to kick his ass, my wolf reminds me.  Yay, forgot about that. 

k Landon sleep well, sorry txt so late been running c u n the morning in lot?  I will be the 1 in red mustang lol.  Gd nite. D

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