I am going to kill this asshole, I just have to find him first!

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Chapter fifteen:  I am going to kill this asshole, I just have to find him first!

Landon’s P.O.V.

Today should be a busy day.  With school, going to try to train with Danny for a little while after school and the pack meeting and Aiden’s induction we should be busy until late tonight.  That’s ok, I wouldn’t give up a minute of time with Danny even it is school or training and I want my mate Protector inducted into the pact ASAP as that makes me feel a little more secure and Brendon and I have gotten close to Aiden rather quickly; however, if he and Brendon don’t get their asses out here I am going to get in the car and leave without them.  Finally here they come.  “Brendon let’s just drive mine and you and Aiden can drive it home I will ride with Danny to train, that work bro?” I asked Brendon.  “Yup that’ll do pig that’ll do *laughing so hard*.”  Brendon replies.  “He’s a wolf genius not a pig Brendon!” Aiden replied also laughing his ass off.  Well, I am surrounded by comedians today just great.  I go to get in the car and notice an envelope under my wiper blade so I grab it and hop in the car.  Brendon rides shotgun and Aiden is in the back.  I crank up the car and rip open the letter just addressed to Landon as Brendon plays with the stereo system.  I find a letter with pictures.  I toss the pictures on the console not bothering to look while I read the letter.  Jesus another one of those letters.  I read the letter and am growling and can’t help it.  Then I hear Brendon gasp and look and see him looking at the pictures and he is growling looking like he is about to lose his shit.  I throw the letter to the back to Aiden and snatch the pictures from Brendon.  I look at the first picture and it is Danny facing away from the camera, in her bathroom completely nude.  I growl and go to the next picture when I see it I open my car door and vomit right there in the garage.  I can hear Brendon and Aiden growling and talking in the background but all I can think is who would violate my mate like this.  Jesus it is a fucking picture of her completely naked in her bedroom.  That bastard had to be close to get this picture, oh hell, he has seen all of her the letter mentions that she is waxed.  Oh Jesus I vomit again.  I have to ask her just to make sure he is not bluffing but looking at the pictures my guess is he is not.  The letter also sounds a lot like he isn’t above rape.  I am about to lose my shit, I throw the pictures in the passenger sit and hop out of the car for a second I need some air.  I hear Brendon tell Aiden not to look at the pictures but tells him what they are.  “Landon get in the damn car and let’s get to school, who knows if this bastard is still around.  We need to make sure we beat Danny there!” yells Aiden.  I jump in the car and show the boys why I chose the car I did.  Pure American Muscle! We hauled ass and made it there in record time.  Brendon called Danny on the way and told her to finish getting ready, to drive straight to school, not to stop and keep checking her rearview like John had taught her.  While Brendon is talking to Danny Aiden is on my cell explaining things to John.  Thankfully John has not left and he is going to follow Danny but without her knowing it fearing that it will scare her more. Aiden told him that when we go in school that we will leave the letter and the pictures on the console.  John and Brandon both have a spare key to all the pack cars so Aiden tells him I want him to get the letter and pictures and take them straight to my dad and Brandon.  We have got to work faster, he is getting closer.  John tells Aiden that Danny is already in the car and less than a block away.  They hang up and Aiden relays the info to me.  The lot is fairly empty as it is almost thirty minutes until school starts and we usually get here twenty minutes early at the most.  Here is Danny pulling in now.  Damn she is pretty but she looks worried.  I can’t lie to her; the damn mate bond want let me.  She gets out and walks over keeping her eyes locked on mine.  I notice her hair is just her normal bob and she has on skinny jeans, knee high heeled brown leather boots, a plaid button up shirt and a brown belt.  Three of the shirt buttons are unbuttoned so it is the peek a boo effect and paired with the tight jeans she has managed to pull off sexy AGAIN.  “Landon I am scared, what’s going on?  Brendon’s phone car about gave me a heart attack.  Tell me, you promised no more lies or secrets part of our six week plan.” She says softly.  Aiden and Brendon step away, well Brendon pulls Aiden away.  Aiden’s wolf obviously doesn’t want to be very far from Danny but Brendon manages to get him about twenty five feet away so Danny and I have a semblance of privacy.  “Doll I got a letter and some pictures.  Please stay calm we will keep you safe.  The letter also has a personal question and I would never embarrass you but my wolf has to know the answer, you will see, here.” I said as I handed her the envelope.  She reads the letter and tears roll down her face, she then looks at the picture and begins to shake and I catch her before she falls to the ground.  “You shouldn’t have seen me like this.  You should have seen me like this when we mated not this way.  It is sick and perverted.  It is not fair Landon.  I am so embarrassed and scared.  Oh God he was close.  I mean really close this was last night. At home Landon the answer is at home.” She quietly whispers to me as the tears continue to roll down her face and I hold her in my arms.  Oh God he has seen her naked.  He was close.  I am growling I can’t make my wolf shut up.  “Doll you want to go home, the pack house or school?” I asked her.  “We don’t show weakness, I have all three of you with me, we go to school.  Landon you need to get this stuff to my dad with the other stuff.” She says in her sassy voice.  That’s my girl don’t let this bastard beat you down like I used to keep your head up I think to myself.  “Already taken care of doll!” said Brendon as he walks up and wraps her in his arms.  She turns red.  Aiden hugs her next and whispers something about neither he nor Brendon saw anything but the letter and that we will all keep her safe.  It was a white lie but he knew the truth would hurt her worse so the little white lie was protecting her so…..that kinda is his job.  The boys and I begin to tease and play with Danny to lighten the mood and cheer her up.  We are playing and roughhousing as others fill in the parking lot and before we know it the school bell as rang.  My wolf is growling and not happy but she has every class with Aiden and lunch with all three of us.  Aiden assured me earlier that if anything happens he can and will keep her safe AND get her to me.  That is what he was born to do.  It does give me some peace knowing he would die to keep her safe.  As I go to enter the school I see John pull up beside my car and we make eye contact.  Okay let’s get through the day.  After school though we will meet with the old folks and I am sure some new rules may be put into place but with Danny and her stubborn ass she may just refuse.  Damn hard to have an unmarked, unaccepted mate.  This mating shit is going to kill me before it is all said and done. 

Danny’s P.O.V.

My cell is ringing and I grab it seeing that it is Brendon.  What does he want this time of morning?  I am just starting to get dressed, no make-up and no breakfast what could he want?  Okay I am scared now.  He didn’t give me any info other than to hurry up and get ready, go straight to the car, get in and lock the doors, make sure I have my cell, come straight to them at the lot and check my rear view like my dad taught me.  Okay something has happened and they want to make sure I am locked in the car and no one is following me.  I know my Mom is with the Luna and am unsure if Dad has left but if something has happened one of my boys has already contacted dad anyway so I hurried up and did my hair and make-up, ran down the stairs, no breakfast and did exactly what Brendon said.  When I pull up they are all three huddled around the hood.  Aiden’s wolf is close to the surface, Brendon looks like he is going to kill someone and Landon’s wolf is close because his eyes are brown but he looks so pale like when you have the stomach flu.  It must be bad.  I asked Landon and noticed Brendon dragging Aiden away so we can talk in private.  I read the letter and begin to cry.  It sounds like this guy would like to rape me and would enjoy me fighting him while he stole my virginity and then my pack.  He also has seen me naked and knows that I wax.  That is so personal.  That is something a mate should find out when you mate not from someone stalking you.  The pictures, how, why, how, when?  This person has seen me in my own home naked.  Now Landon has seen me naked.  Why Moon Goddess?  I have always vowed to be modest and to save my virginity for my mate when we fully mate.  Now my mate has seen me naked, he knows I shave myself, this is a sacred as my virginity.  Please Moon Goddess don’t let anyone other than my mate take that from me. I know Landon is waiting on me to speak and he wants me to answer the question in the letter about me waxing,  what do I say, I have to tell him so I hung my head and softly say “You shouldn’t have seen me like this.  You should have seen me like this when we mated not this way.  It is sick and perverted.  It is not fair Landon.  I am so embarrassed and scared.  Oh God he was close.  I mean really close this was last night. At home Landon the answer is at home.”  My mate held me as I feel like I am going to fall but my wolf perks her head up and demands that I step up.  ‘Okay let’s pull our shit together here girl’ purrs my wolf.  ‘Head high you got three guys with you who love you and three high ranking bad ass men at home camp preparing to kick ass’ says my inner badass wolf.  So me and the boys hug and then play and rough house until class.  “Doll me and you are going to train for a little while this evening and we are going in your car and the boys will take mine home.  I will be there, some recruits training and your dad so all will be well.  Training together sound good?” Landon asked.  I nodded yes, training will help keep my mind off things and I will get to beat up on Landon some so it will be fun.  Me and my wolf purr at the thought and head into school.

John’s P.O.V.

I didn’t open the envelope until I got to the office where Richard and Brandon were already waiting.  We all sat around Richards desk as I opened the envelope and put it name side up on the desk.  I handed the letter to Richard, as alpha it is his right even if she is my baby, and he read it out loud.  All three of us were shaking and growling when Brandon flipped the two pictures over on the desk I lost it and shifted right there in the Alphas office.  Someone had gotten close to my baby girl naked and was all but threating to “steal” her virginity and take our pack.  He was threatening my little girl, my alpha, my family, my whole damn pack.  Hell no, I want blood!  I look at Brandon and he is barely in control and poor Richard is shaking and growling and trying to calm all three of us down when boom Brandon loses it and shifts too.  All of a sudden the office door slings open and there stands my wife and the Luna being growled at by two fully shifted wolves and a growling alpha on the verge of shifting.  We stop growling when we recognize who they are.  They walk to the desk and they both start yelling and having fits when they see the pictures and read the letter.  Richard managed to tell Michelle that it was found on Landon’s wind shield.  Finally Luna yells it was on his wind shield we can check the garage security feed from last night.  Whoever put it there will be on film.  Bingo that was enough that Brandon and I both shift back and Richard throw us both some shorts.  In his sweetest alpha voice he tells the ladies to go plan the party and let us plan our thing and they leave.  Okay now we get to work on catching this son of a bitch because I am going to kill him, we just have to catch him first!

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