Bringing the Old Folks in on the NEW information, this should be fun!

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Chapter Fourteen:  Bringing the Old Folks in on the NEW information, this should be fun!

Brendon’s P.O.V.

Landon asked me to make the phone calls that needed to be made because he needed to speak with Aiden about his living situation and he had Danny going through the “Book of Marks” attempting to find the Protectors symbol so we could have it open and ready to show, read or whatever it took to convince our fathers.  My first call was to the Alpha.  I told him where we were, who was here and that we had some pertinent time sensitive issues we needed to discuss.  He agreed to meet us in the study in fifteen minutes.  He also informed me that he was currently with “his Beta” and “his enforcer” was in the car with him so we were just to “hang tight” until they arrived.  Man that was stupid easy.  Maybe this conversation will be this simple and easy but I highly doubt it.  

Landon’s P.O.V.

I had Brendon to get on the phone and get the old folks here as quickly as possible, I got Danny on finding the “Book of Marks” that I know is on the shelf somewhere in this room.  I asked her to find the book and then find the Protectors mark and read over all the information about it as quickly as possible because we were going to need it during this meeting.  While those two were busy helping me out I pulled Aiden to the side.  I caught several things while he was telling his story that was bothering me.  He left home and traveled across the country with only $600.00 so how was he eating, gas is not cheap and he was living in his car.  There is no doubt in my mind he was my mates Protector and he would not be hungry and homeless.  When I asked him about what was going on and he was very honest.  He was parking his car at the park on the west side of town *not good* and he was conserving the little money he had left so he was only eating one meal a day, lunch at school.  He was washing his clothes at the stream at the park and boiling water over a fire at night, cooling and bottling it.  Oh hell no.  Not happening I am telling you.  My dad was going to fix this! “Landon everyone is on the way, eta is fifteen minutes and we are to “hang tight” bro!” Brendon yelled.  Aiden and I walked back over and sat back down when Danny happily announced “Guys, I found the book, the mark and everything Aiden said is the truth though the book refers to the brother sister relationship more as an imprint than a mating!”  Okay so we have that to back up Aiden’s story we just needed him to tell his story again, we will throw in the info from the book and hopefully convince the old folks that Protectors were not just legends!

Alpha Richards P.O.V.

Brendon called a few minutes ago and he and Landon need to speak with me Brandon and John in the pack study as soon as possible.  Brendon sounded excited and anxious so I told him we were on the way.  I told John and Brandon about the call and they agree that it must be important.  We have arrived and are walking into the study now so here we go.  I open the office door to see Brendon, Danny and some young man I do not know sitting on one of the couches and Landon sitting at the desk with an old text open in front of him.  Brandon, John and I look at each other and decide that we will take the other couch.  The only problem was John was so big we didn’t fit so I sat in the wingback beside the couch and waited for someone to speak.  

Landon’s P.O.V.

“Alpha, Beta, Enforcer I would like to introduce you to Aiden Summers.  Aiden has just recently moved here and has quickly become a friend of ours.  Aiden has brought some information to us that is strange, exciting, unbelievable but the truth.  Elders this pertains to the threat to my mate and our back.  I respectfully ask that you listen to Aiden’s story in its entirety and then look over the text that I have here in front of me.  By the way Dad we really need to organize the texts in this room it took Danny nearly twenty minutes to find this one book! Some of his story you are going to be familiar with but please do not interrupt him just let him get it all out then we can ask questions, look at the text, and discuss what he says and such.  Is that okay with you Alpha?” I asked my dad in the respectful way was taught from the time we are young.  Yes he is my father but he is also my Alpha.  “Aiden, I am Alpha Richard, pleased to meet you.  This is my Beta Brandon, Brendon’s father and my Enforcer, Danny’s father and I am sure you know I am Landon’s father.  We are more than happy to hear your story so please feel free to speak freely son.  We will listen to your story and all go from there.  I smell your anxiety and fear.  Please do not fear us, as long as you are no threat you having nothing to fear.  Please tell us your story young man, you have our attention.” My father said calmly and soothingly as only and Alpha can do in a tense situation.  

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