Kicking ass and taking names

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Chapter Six:  Kicking Ass and Taking Names

(Time skip to Saturday)

Landon’s P.O.V.

So the week seemed to drag on forever.  Every day I searched and always nothing.  My wolf is constantly nagging me, I can’t concentrate on school and I am even withdrawing from my friends because all I can think about is the way my mate smells and how much I want to see her and hold her.  It is not looking like I can do this on my own so it is looking like it is time to go have a talk with the old folks, also known as my parents, ugh this should be fun!  Yes I am being sarcastic but I can’t seem to help it, my wolf is rubbing off on me because this week I have been a bigger jackass to people than he is to me.  That is just sad.  I went downstairs and asked around it lucky me the Alpha and Luna are is the Alpha’s office.  I knock on the door and go on in.  Gee my palms are sweaty and I am super nervous, I know they hear my heart racing.  I plop down on the couch and look up; they are both looking at me like I have three heads.  Great this is looking promising already.  Okay so deep breath and here goes.  “IthinkIfoundmymatebutthenIlosther!” yup I got it out in one quick breath.  Wow who knew my Mom understood gibberish.  “Landon if you found her then how did you lose her?”  asked my mom obviously attempting not to laugh and failing miserably.  My father on the other hand was looking confused and dumbfounded.  “Okay Landon, son, I am confused on what you said.  I want to help with whatever you problem is but I need you to speak English.  Your mother obviously understood but since she is laughing like a hyena she is of no help right this minute.  Son please go slower and let’s see what the issue is.” My dad said all that so calm and collected, like a true Alpha I guess.   I fiddled with my hands, picked lint off my shirt, ran my hands through my hair and attempted to calm myself.  “Dad I think I found my mate but now I can’t find her.  Last Thursday at school I was in the parking lot waiting on Brendon and I caught a whiff of the most mouthwatering smell of my entire life. The smell was nothing I had ever smelled before.  It was like vanilla and strawberry shortcake all in one.  I was confused for a minute until my wolf started shouting mate at me.  Dad I looked around the parking lot but it was crowded and I didn’t see anyone I didn’t know or anyone who looked out of place.  I have sniffed the school up and down all week and the smell is gone.  My chest is hurting, I can’t sleep and I can’t think of anything but her.  I want her so bad and my annoying wolf is trying to climb out of my skin all day, every day now.  What do I do?” I asked at this point I was in tears.  “Son lets strategize and think this through clearly.  If the three of us put our heads together we should be able to figure out who she is.  If you smelled her at school she either goes to your school or was there to pick up someone who does go to your school.  Let’s get started.” My Dad said as my Mom was shaking her head yes.  Okay let’s try to piece it together.

Danny’s P.O.V.

Finally it is Saturday.  Dad is going to train and work with me the entire day.  He has even decided to let me fight some of his recruits.  His recruits are homeschooled as they train so many hours per day so they don’t know the old me just the new me, the enforcers daughter.  After I kick some ass today the will know me as the enforcers badass daughter.  I put on my usual training gear, which consists of a sports bra and tight booty short and my favorite Nikes.  I am so excited I can hardly be still but chocked down my usual breakfast.  Dad seems to be nervous but I have been “excelling” in technique this week so he is confident I will do “well” but should be prepared for some “bumps, bruises, black eye and worse case scenario a broken nose”.  Yea like that is going to happen, I just started looking hot ain’t nobody gonna black my eye or break my nose, nope so not happening.  Oh God at least I hope not. Could he drive any slower, I promise grandmas were passing us blowing the horn as they went by on our way to the training center.  Finally here, I think I was out of the car before Dad even had her in park.  Did I mention I was excited?  When we walk in I notice five recruits all in their standard black shorts, shirtless and Nikes like me.  I have to admit I felt good because they were all “checking me out” and not the first one of them were ugly to say the least.  Hmmmm this maybe even more fun than I thought.  I begin doing my stretches like always and getting warmed up and I heard Dad informing his recruits to do the same. 

John’s P.O.V.

I am nervous but she has done well this week and I know she is ready for actual hand to hand combat.  I hand-picked five of my students who had trained longer than Danny but were at the same skill level as she was.  I pulled them to the side and explained to them that she was my daughter, I was training her but the rules were the same as in any other class.  Do not take it easy, Do not back down, you may draw blood but do not attempt to break bones and when I blow the whistle you freeze immediately.  Danny already knew these rules as she and I had been training hand to hand all week.   I noticed Danny had already put her bag down and was doing her stretches and getting prepared so I ordered my recruits to do the same.  After about twenty minutes of warm up I gathered my group and introduced everyone by name.  I then taped up hands,  went over the rules and decided we would start slow with ten minutes of hand to hand fighting to begin with.  Okay John she is ready, I thought to myself, so I paired Danny with Jay.  Jay was fast but not one of my strongest in this group and he was sneaky so let’s see how she will handle this.  I blew my whistle, set the timer and we all gathered to watch.  Right off the bat Jay hammered Danny with a body shot, followed by a leg kick and another body shot before he backed off.  Hmmm.  Next thing we know Danny has hit Jay in the face with two rights, a left, a kick to the abdomen and a kidney punch.  Damn, the guys are going crazy.  Jay stumbles back towards Danny when she punches him right on the jaw and he is down knocked out cold.  Hot Damn!  The rest of the day pretty much went on the same, Danny one three rounds, two by knockout, she lost one and had one draw.  Overall she did great.  She was sore, had bloody knuckles and bruises but nothing a good soak wouldn’t help with.  Once again that’s my girl, she is going be a badass enforcer one day I just have to figure out how to tell the Alpha. 

Sabrina’s P.O.V.

I am so nervous today.  My idiot of a mate is going to let our baby girl actually fight some of his recruits.  Not new recruits, no some of the recruits that have been training for some time.  He says that she is ready and I can feel and know he is not lying but I am still a Momma and I worry.  I will say that her body is toned and fit now and with her new clothes and makeover she is stunning.  I also can tell you that training with her dad has brought forth confidence, some attitude and an allure of you can look but don’t touch.  I had not talked to Michelle for some time so I figured I would call her up and catch up a little.  She and I chatted about pack business, Danny’s makeover even though I left out the training that was hush hush just like the mate situation.  We just gossiped a while and agreed to meet for lunch one day this coming up week.  Oh I hear the car.  In comes John carrying his and Danny’s bag which scared me, she must be hurt.  When she comes in I notice that she has blood knuckles and I see some bruises on her abdomen and legs but overall that was it.  With her being a were the bruises and aches will be gone in the morning and her knuckles should be nearly healed.  I sent her upstairs to soak in the tub and told her to add some sea salt that it always helped her dad.  Then I turned to my idiot mate and demanded the truth.  When he was finished I was amazed.  I guess he was right, she was born to be and enforcer like he was.  He is going to decrease her training to four days a week so she can keep up at school but she would continue training and at the next pack meeting he was going to speak with the Alpha Richard about her afterwards. 

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