Life As We Know It........

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Hey Y'all, sorry I haven't uploaded in a few days but "REAL LIFE" has been, well, REAL *sigh*.  I am uploading to chapters tonight.  Please remember that they are uneditied, sorry, once I have completed the story I will edit it, space it out so I do not cause everyone to go blind and I have deicded to elaborate  on how Danielle and Landons relationship went down hill (so to speak) in the prologue.  I hope you have enjoyed what you have read and continue reading.  Please keep reading, don't be scared to vote and follow me if you wanna, LOL, there is more to come!  Thanks y'all and wolfhugs to each one of you!  XoXoXo, Wolfgirl

Chapter Sixteen:  Life As We Know It…..

Time Skip Last Bell of the Day has Just Rang

Aiden’s P.O.V.

The final bell has rang and I can fell that Danny is nervous.  She has pretended all day that she is brave and unconcerned but she just doesn’t want to appear weak in our eyes.  Landon received a call from Alpha Richard at lunchtime.  Landon is going to take Danny to the training center to train for an hour or so, John will be there as well as twenty recruits.  Brendon and I are going to take Landon’s car back to the pack house and see if anyone has found out any information while we have been at school today and we are all going to put our heads together and try to come up with some plans and strategies that limit the time that Danny is alone” without her realizing this.  If Danny thinks that we are ‘hovering’ or ‘suggesting’ that she cannot defend herself she will be royally pissed and we do not need that right now!  Danny and I have made it to her car on which Landon is leaned up on the hood and Brendon is leaned against the door.  “Hey doll!” says Brendon.  “Hey you.”  Landon smirks.  Danny speaks to both of the boys while throwing her book bag and purse in the trunk.  “Baby Girl you ready for us to go so I can kick your behind?” Landon asks Danny.  “YUP, I sure am just like last time!”  Danny replies sarcastically and all four of us crack up.  Landon tells Brendon that they are going to train for an hour, go to Danny’s house so she can shower and change and then they are coming to the pack house.  We guys already knew this so I am assuming he said this for Danny’s benefit.  I hope he knows that hiding things from Danny is going to blow up in his face if he is not careful!  Brendon and I get in Landon car and begin to ease home.  “Brendon you drive like my Great-Grandma bro, what’s your deal?” I asked.  “Landon will kill me and you if there is even a scratch on this car when he gets home, so we are taking NO chances!” he states in a fearful tone.  The reminder of the ride home was actually quiet amusing as I know we never went over 50 mph the entire time.  *sigh*

Landon’s P.o.V.

Okay so school is out and Brendon and I have rushed to beat Danny and Aiden to her car.  This afternoon I am going to make sure to keep her occupied and safe, make sure that people that can protect her are around, hopefully without her realizing this.  I spoke with my dad earlier and all of us have a plan we are just leaving little bits out that Danny really doesn’t need to know at this point.  “Hey you.” I smirk at her when she walks up.  She throws her book bag and her purse in the trunk and comes walking back to the front of the car.  .  “Baby Girl you ready for us to go so I can kick your behind?” I asked her.  “YUP, I sure am just like last time!”  Danny replies sarcastically and all four of us crack up. *laughing so hard*  I give Brendon the spill about our plans, like he doesn’t already know, for Danny’s benefit and Brendon and Aiden drive off in my baby.  I swear if there is one single scratch on her I am going to beat him black and blue, if there is a dent on her I am going to beat him half to death and Aiden to for not doing something!   Danny tosses me the keys, surprise, climbs in the passenger seat and just looks at me.  I jump in the driver’s seat and fire her up.  Wow this baby purrs like a kitten I think while I adjust the seat and all three mirrors.  When I look at Danny she is glaring at me.  “What?” I ask.  “This is MY car Landon could you refrain from adjusting everything on and in my car please?” she replies in her sassy tone.  “Yes Mam I will try put I need to see to drive and if my knees are touching the steering wheel that may be unsafe.” I reply back in a girly voice.  We laugh and she turns on the radio blaring Crying by Aerosmith.  Hmmm her taste in music isn’t as bad as I had originally thought I laugh to myself.  We buckle up I put her in first and head out of the parking lot.  I try so hard to be a good boy but this is a bad ass car and I have to see what she can do.  I am a gearhead it’s in my DNA!  I pull out and squeal the tires in first, second and third gear much to Danny’s dismay.  Hell yeah this car good keep up with mine or possibly top it.  I could probably play around under the hood a little and make this baby way under a ten second car.  What in the hell am I thinking Danny doesn’t need a supped up car that is going to get herself killed in.  Oh lord I slow down to sixty mph, I sure don’t want to wreck and kill her.  She sure does have a sweet ride though.  We laugh and chat about nothing at all. We have finally made it to the training center.  Danny reaches in the glove box and presses a button and I see the trunk pop open.  I shut the car off and we get out.  She grabs her black training bag out of the trunk.  “Babe why don’t you have a locker here?” I ask her.  “I take my stuff home and wash it every day and I work out at home as much as here so I just keep it all in my bag.” She says.  Okay whatever makes sense to her I suppose. We head in and then split and go two different directions.  She heads to the girls locker room and I catch John’s eye as I head into the boys locker room.  I know that John checked the girl’s locker room when he heard us pull up and I know that he will keep an eye on the door to assure no one goes in.  Strategy all part of the strategy that Danny doesn’t need to know about.  

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