Little white lies, first time ever

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Chapter Five:  Little White Lies, First Time EVER!

(Time skip to Monday)

Danny’s P.O.V.

I have never lied to my parents before so I guess I am kinda due, right?  I have talked to my Mom and convinced her to let me take the next week off of school so that we can finish our shopping, she can continue with my lessons and I can feel more confident in my new look by us going out to lunch and so forth.  It is much needed time to get my act together because I know that I am not going to be able to hide the fact that I am Landon’s mate from him for much longer!  Dad woke me up this morning at four a.m.  one because he has class at six and two because I sort of broke my alarm clock over the weekend.  Oops.  I got dressed and ate my protein bars and juice in record time and by four thirty we were already into mile three.  I have to admit I am not sore and really feel invigorated.  I am getting faster and stronger during every training.  I asked dad if we could just run until I was tired and do the same with my other exercises.  He is a little hesitant but agrees.  I decided around mile eight that I was ready for my other exercises.  I was not tired, which was odd to my human side, but my wolf loved it, she seems to be strong.  I should let you know where we work out so you can understand.  My dad has a training site that is called the “Warriors Center”.  It is the size of a football field; the outside has a running track with a mile marked off so you can keep up with how many miles you have ran.  In the center of the track is a rope wall, a rope obstacle course, five pull up bars at varying heights and lots of mats for sit-ups and pull-ups.  To the side of the field is the weight room which contains all sorts of weight training machines and strength training devices.  I have yet to get in there but I promise I will soon.  Okay as you noticed a bad habit is I go on and on from one thing to another just another one of my weird quirks I guess.  Dad yells that it is time for sit-ups so I hit the mat.  Man I loved exercising it made me feel like I was high on something and my wolf was purring.  I ended up doing six hundred sit-ups when my dad stopped me.  I guess he was scared I couldn’t finish the rest of my exercises. Pssh.  I ended up doing four hundred push-ups and one hundred and fifty pull ups.  Yup don’t ask me I told you my wolf is strong, she loves the exercise and she keeps pushing me forward.  I feel so excited like I am doing something I was always meant to do.  Maybe it is the enforcer’s blood that runs through me, who knows, I love it. My dad was really proud and has decided that this evening we will cut back on the sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups and start with some weight training.  Yay, I am now super excited.  Okay dad has to go to work and I stink so I need to shower before my fun day with Mom, ugh not excited about that but I can pretend.  After my shower I noticed myself in my full length mirror hanging on my door.  I did a double take.  I have never been fat or anything but I have never been firm or toned.  I was looking at myself now and couldn’t believe it.  I was already developing prominent abs, my arms were toned and my legs were gorgeous.  I am only 5’6” but my legs look like they go on forever and they are toned, firm and like I say gorgeous.  Who would have guessed?  Ok so now my size C breasts were looking like they really belonged on my body for the first time ever.   Okay I put on my housecoat and call Mom time to get started.

Landon’s P.O.V.

I woke up this morning so looking forward to school.  Who in the right mind looks forward to a Monday at school?  Me!  I just know I am going to meet my mate today.  I smelled her at school on Friday so now all I have to do is track her scent, look her in the eyes, grab her and wait for the tingling electric charges the book talks about.  My wolf is about to come out of my skin, he is more excited than I am.  I hurry and get dressed and get to school in record time.  I was in such a hurry I forgot Brendon but he called and said no worries he would drive himself.  I kind of feel bad I haven’t told him about the mate thing but he is anti-mate until we are at least eighteen.  We need to live, to party, to play around and get it out of our system before we are tied to a mate who be a “bitch from hell”.  I park and lean on my car to be surrounded by the usual mob of my friends, skanks, pack sluts and the like.  I really am not paying much attention to anyone as I am only concentrating on find the scent of my mate.  I am disappointed when the bell rings to go to class.  I am not worried though she has to be here somewhere.  Okay now I am disappointed I went all day and stayed in the parking lot for thirty minutes after school got out and still no scent of my mate.  What does that mean?  Okay Landon think positive maybe she was sick and didn’t come to school today.  Well that just freaked my wolf out that our mate was out there sick somewhere and we couldn’t take care of her.  It took me almost twenty minutes to calm him down so we could drive home.  Man I am depressed and that is a new emotion for me and not one that I like.  Okay tomorrow, she would be there, she had to be, right?

Brendon P.O.V.

Man my boy is acting all sorts of weird today.  He forgot me when he left for school.  He ignored us when we talked to him before school; he just kept looking around and sniffing like a damn dog.  He went to the wrong class twice, which was kind of funny.  He skipped lunch and judging by the time he got home he spent a long time in the parking lot after school.  I wonder what he is keeping from me. I am his best friend, I am going to be his beta and I know him something is up.  He didn’t flirt today, he didn’t take notes, I don’t know he was just really weird all day.  I tried to talk to him about it when he got home from school but he just brushed me off and told me he was fine and threw in a mind your own business.  Harsh much?

John’s P.O.V. later in the evening

I had a great day with my recruits, I have two that really stand out and look promising which always makes me happy.  As I drove home from work I couldn’t help but wonder how my girl’s day went and what was for supper, I was starving.  When I got home I was shocked, Danny looked great.  She had on some kind of name brand sweat pants pulled up below her knees, a shirt that matched, short socks and Nike’s.  Her hair looked great and her makeup was perfect.  I was proud, Sabrina said Danny did it all on her own.  We all ate and chatted about this and that same as usual.  Danny was jumping out of her skin to train so she and I went and got ready.  We got to the field and I informed Danny of the plan.  She need to run eight miles, do two hundred sit-ups and push-ups but could skip the pull-ups today.  She did and I noticed she keeps getting faster and faster.  I also couldn’t help but noticed how her body was toning and firming up that was a good sign.  Okay time for the weight room.  Okay I have to admit that I am beyond surprised.  Danny could bench press one hundred and fifty pounds without much strain and was squatting two twenty.  She may be able to do more but being her first time I didn’t want her to strain or pull anything.  Okay she shouldn’t be able to lift that much this soon.  She only weighs one hundred and twenty pounds for goodness sakes.  That’s it, two more days of training and we are starting her combat training.  She is made for this; I wonder how I never knew this?  Was I a bad dad for not paying close enough attention?  My brain rattled on and on as we drove home.  Both of us were exhausted and passed when Sabrina suggested movie night.  Me and Danny just wanted a shower, some water and to get in bed and that’s what we did.

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