Chapter 4

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A/N Hey! Short note, this chapter is kind of where the name originates from. It's a bit shorter than the other chapters, but I hope you enjoy nontheless. :) Thanks!

A quick three hours later and Joker, the Normandy SR-2's pilot pulls the sly ship into the larger, grey, steel dormant ship that was so marvelous that a human equivalent would be a medieval castle, it was large, yet beautiful. Of course it was, it was the diplomats ship.

Shepard reluctantly leaves  Thane and the painfully, irritating, sterile med-bay that was located on Deck 3 of the organized ship.  She goes quickly up to her small, neat, cabin where she must change into her own diplomat uniform, she was in fact representing humanity.

 The outfit is a bit neat and tidy for her tastes. She likes her own tight camo pants and shirt, along with her black combat boots that rose up above her ankle, but what kind of representative would she be if she showed up looking like a soldier. She smooths out the coat, removing any unwanted wrinkles then studies herself in her full body mirror which was located in her bathroom. She turns to the side and sets her hands on her abdomen, as she often did unknowingly, it was her own personal little quirk.

Realizing that she was going to be unfashionably late she almost bolts from her cabin and down to Deck 2. She arrives on the deck and Samantha Traynor immediately greets her.

''Commander, the diplomats wish to meet with you in the War Room,'' The girl says with an informative smile on her face.

''On the Normandy?'' Shepard asks surprised. She was almost positive that she'd be boarding their ship.

''Yes,'' Traynor nods. ''There were some arguments and complaints about your Krogan friend being on board their ship.''

Shepard gives a nod and then walks in the direction of the War Room. If her Krogan friend was going to mess up a ship, it might as well be her ship.

She is soon confronted with the blue scanner which annoys her to no end. When standing in it she has to stand still, one move and the whole thing gets messed. She would have to start all over again, it's also very time consuming.

Once past the annoying scanner she enters the glass covered room which contains only a wooden table. The room itself used to be the Normandy's tech lab, Shepard wasn't so happy about the change. The lab used to be a wonderful, well advanced lab where Mordin Solus would do his research, but now it was just a wooden table in an empty gray room with no life in it at all. The other diplomats were not present yet, if she was correct then Victus would be there, the Turian Primarch, who was also already aboard the Normandy. The man himself was an ass, not all Turians were, only Victus in general. The Salarian Dalatrass would also be there, the Salarians were always smartasses, but she has to admit that they were definitely smarter then the other Council species. Last, but not least were the Krogan, they were all badasses, and that's what she loved, they were in no way 'diplomatic material'. They had somehow welcomed the lovable headbutting creatures into their culture, or well, at least she, herself, had.

Shepard continues to wait for the hopefully level headed diplomats, she grows rather annoyed when a half an hour, none of them are there, including the turian who was already on the Normandy. She feels like an idiot, someone who got stood up for a date. She leans back on the table and thinks about Thane, she was here to meet with the diplomats, but they weren't there. Weren't diplomats supposed to be... Well, organized? Shepard lets out a long sigh then turns away from the table. She should be with Thane, not here waiting for some pain-in-the-ass diplomats that didn't even care enough to be on time. Shepard turns away, frustration showing on her face. She lets out one final sigh and pushes away from the table and tries not to storm out of the room.

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