Chapter 14

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A/N It's a Friday night... Kinda of tired.. So you know what that means!! Friday Fluff! Lol... I'm just going easy on this Chapter..  Plus I haven't really been having Thane in any of my other parts lately... So this will be similar to what I believe was Chapter 9. Then after this I'm gonna write my first Chapter of my newest TWD fic! So enjoy this then go take a look for 'All Is Fair In Love And War.'

Shepard collapses on her bed after a long day of fighting and working. She had been able to reconnect with Grunt again, her little baby krogan was all grown up. She had not only reconnected with Grunt, she had also reconnected with the Rachni Queen that she hadn't talked to in almost three years. Despite her regrets she had saved her again. Had she made the right decision? She wasn't sure about anything anymore.

She lays on top of her bed, still in her armor. She lays and just thinks... Thinks about her life so far. About all of her choices... If she had made the right ones. Ashley or Kaidan? Saving the Rachni Queen. Saving the Council. What to do with the Collector Base... Then of course she thinks about ways she could've done something differently. Which also doesn't help her case at all.

Maybe she could've had the Normandy pick up Ashley while she protected Kaidan and the bomb from Saren. Maybe she should've killed the Rachni altogether. Maybe she should've given the Collector Base to the Illusive Man because deep down she knew he was right. There technology is valuable. Maybe she should'nt have saved the Rachni a second time... Maybe she should've just killed them off.

Soon she finds herself balling her eyes out for thinking these things. What's done is done and it isn't helpful for her to be thinking about it again. It never was. It was too late either way, no matter if she could've done something differently. There weren't second chances in this War and in life general.

She wipes hot tears off her dry cheeks. She brushes wet strands of brown hair out of her face and sits up, preparing to remove her scuffed armor.

As she unclaspes her arm piece her door opens with a hiss and Thane walks in, his hands are folded behind his back like they always were.

He sees her red, puffy, eyes and assumes that maybe she had been crying. Thane then looks worried.

'Siha?' he asks as he walks down the small set of stairs in their cabin.

Shepard looks away as she continues to remove her worn armor. She would need to have to upgrade it soon.

'Hey,' he whispers softly as he stands in front of her, trying to make eye contact with her.

'I'm fine,' Shepard says dismissively as she finishes taking off her armor. She is only in an Alliance tank top and some sorts. She stands and pushes past the drell to change. Thane grabs her arm and Shepard tries to pull away, not even looking at him.

'What's wrong?' he asks, bringing his other hand up to stroke her cheek.

'Nothing,' she says quickly as she gets away from his grasp to get new clothes for herself.

'I know something is bothering you,' Thane says, crossing his arms over his chest and studying Shepard.

'Nothing is bothering me, Thane,' she says as she furiously wipes at her eyes.

Thane walks up behind her and turns her around to face him.

'Now why won't you tell me?' he asks her, looking into her green eyes.

'I'd tell you if I thought it was worth talking about... and it's not. So...' Shepard turns away again and continues to search through her draws.

'Everything is worth talking about, Siha,' Thane says from behind her. 'Now, tell me.'

'It's stupid, really... It's nothing...Really.' Shepard gives up on finding clothes and moves back towards the bed.

Thane gives up on trying to help her and feels a little hurt that Shepard would not tell him what was obviously bothering her. They usually shared everything with each other.

'Al-Alright,' Thane sighs as he moves towards the bed too, he is looking down as he does.

Shepard notices the hurt look on his face as he sits on the bed and she lets out her own sigh. She should tell him.. It had kind of been bothering her for a while.

'Thane...' she finally says, looking at the drell.

'It is okay,' he interupts. 'If you do not wish to tell me then I shall not make you.'

'I want to tell you,' she sits besides him, leaning back on the bed with her hands.

Thane looks up at her and she nods.

'Well,uh..' Shepard begins. 'Do you think I'm making the right choices?'

Thane studies her face for a moment and then nods.

'Of course I do,' Thane starts. 'You are making the right choices for the whole Galaxy.'

'You really think so...? Because sometimes I...'

'Regret your decisions?' Thane finishes for her and Shepard nods. 'That is understandable, but in the end they were always the right ones. You see, you're not making these decisions for yourself, you are making them for the whole galaxy. They're the right ones, Siha. Trust me.'

Shepard smiles a bit and then nods again.

'Okay,' she says. 'Thanks Thane... I realy needed something like that.'

'Anytime, Siha,' Thane smiles. 'I am always here for you if you need anything.'

Shepard hugs him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around her waist and they fall back onto the bed.

'I love you, Thane,' Shepard whispers into his ear as they lay together.

'I love you too, Siha,' Thane replies back.

A few minutes later, and they're asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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