Chapter 12

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A/N Sorry for the delay.. (You know if you actually read this far into Insomnia, sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself.. *Note To Self* Promote this story on Instagram.. See what I mean?) Anyway, enjoy! :D One more thing, from here on out I think I am going to have shorter chapters... Easier to update that way. {This is also my first time really describing a battle so bare with me}

Shepard dives behind cover as a single bullet pierces the pocket of air she just occupied. She throws herself against the concrete slab and grips her Vindicator in her hands. She can feel the constant vibrations of metal bullets hitting the other side of the concrete. She casts a quick side glance at James who is mowing down yet another Cerberus Trooper.

'Shepard!!' Garrus yells from the left of her. She turns her head quickly and sees a couple of Guardians sneaking past the trio, closing in on Tarquin Victus, who was at the moment trying to disarm the Tuchanka bomb.

Shepard rolls out of cover and aims at the the two Guardians. Nailing the first one through the mail slot in the front of the sheild. He falls back immediately, his sheild falling on top of him. The other Guardian pokes his pistol out from the side of the shield and starts firing at her.

Shepard quickly throws a biotic pull at him, causing him to drop his sheild and sprint to cover despratley. Shepard runs back into cover herself, as another Cerberus shuttle pulls over the site and starts unleashing more troopers and centurions upon them.

'Shepard!' Tarquin Victus yells over the comm frantically. 'I'm taking damage!'

Shepard looks back over the wall, looking towards the direction of Tarquin. A few troopers were advancing quickly. She looks at James, who quickly makes eye contact, and waves in the direction of the troopers. James looks over the concrete wall and takes out another trooper with his deadly assault rifle.

Shepard copies his movement, looking through the new thermal scope she had just equipped her gun with, she hits a centurion in the head, blood spraying from the new opening as he falls to the ground.

'Nice hit!' Garrus smiles as he kills a Guardian with his Mantis Sniper Rifle.

James unloads a few rounds into a troopers chest and then suddenly there's silence. Shepard, Garrus, and James look around curiously, no more shuttles were approaching and Tarquin hadn't given them the all clear. Dead Cerberus enemies layed scattered around them in pools of blood. So far so good. If she was lucky Shepard wouldn't have her ass kicked when she returned on the Normandy.

Shepard, James, and Garrus start to head back, stepping carefully over dead Cerberus bodies, so the wouldn't trip.

Then they hear another shuttle coming from behind them.

'Aww crap...' Garrus grumbles, turning back slowly.

'¡Mierda!' James exclaims as he dives into cover, readying his gun.

Shepard gets behind cover next to Garrus and readies her own gun.

'Nothing's ever easy, is it?' Shepards scoffs.

'Just like old times,' Garrus laughs and takes aim at the Atlas. He sends a few shots into it's armor, bringing down his shields. 

James ejects his steaming thermal clips and quickly loads a new one while Shepard throws a cluster grenade at the Atlas. The low hum and static of failing shields sounds and James begins shooting the atlas.

The constant bang of a sniper rifle sounds as Garrus aims for the yellow tinted glass protecting the Cerberus engineer inside.

'It's gonna blow!!' James yells, gripping his assult rifle to his chest and removing himself from cover. '¡refugiarse!' James then runs back, taking cover behind another concrete wall further back.

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