Chapter 8

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While Garrus, Liara, Mordin, Eve, and Wrex were rushing to get an unconscious Shepard back to the waiting Kodiak, Chakwas was back on the Normandy looking over a recovering Thane.

Dr. Chakwas cleans up the med-bay a bit, which still had various medical supplies scattered around from the second surgery that Thane had undergone. She bags the bloodied gloves and ponchos that had been worn and gets ready to dispose of them when Thanes eyes flutter open behind her. He let's out a few small coughs.

She turns around and rushes over to him.

'Thane,' She states. 'How are you feeling?'

He makes eye contact with the Doctor.

'Uh, can I get a glass of water, please?' He croaks, sitting up a bit.

'Of course,' The Doctor nods and runs to the nearby Mess Hall to retrieve some.

Thane positions himself so he's his back is elevated and he gazes around the room. He wonders where Shepard is... She didn't actually go on those missions, did she?

Chakwas returns and hands the glass to Thane who is still looking around. He takes a nice long drink and then looks up at Chakwas.

'Where is Shepard?' He asks making eye contact with the older woman.

'She's at Sur'Kesh,' Chakwas answers. 'She should be back soon.'

'So she did go on the missions?' Thane nods his head slowly.

'Don't worry,' Chakwas retrieves the empty glass. 'I checked her out, she seemed to be fine. She came back from Grissom alright.'

Thane looks a little realived, but still a bit worried.

'She took Garrus, Liara, and Wrex with her,' Chakwas adds. 'If anything went wrong they'd take good care of her.'

Thane nods and grins.

'Now let's get you checked out, make sure everything's okay.' Chakwas opens her omni-tool and starts looking over the Drell.


'We need to get her back to the Normandy now!' Garrus runs to where Steve Cortez sits in the Pilot's seat.

Cortez gives the turian a quick nod.

'Don't worry, I've got this,' Cortez reassures and Garrus takes a seat in the co-pilot's seat of the Kodiak.

Mordin stands over and unconscious Commander and opens his omni-tool, the salarian scans her body and looks at a diagram of her vitals. Liara sits besides her, holding her hand and looking at Mordin hopefully.

'What exactly happened out there?' Wrex asks from where he was sitting next to the Eve on the Kodiak bench. 'I've never seen Shepard just... Drop.'

'I...I don't know,' Liara stutters. 'Garrus and I were going to flank the big mech and Shepard was the distraction... She just lost focus and then...' Liara looks down at Shepard.

'We should let your Doctor know that we're coming,' Eve suggests, looking at the asari.
Liara nods than stands to go meet Garrus in the front of the Kodiak.

'I need you to call Chakwas, let her know we're coming,' Liara bends over and says in his ear.
'Alright,' Garrus nods, already pulling up his omni-tool. 'I'll let her know, just stay back there with Shepard.'

Liara nods and then makes her way back to where she was sitting before.
Garrus opens his omni-tool and makes the call.


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