Chapter 6

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A/N It's finally here!! Yay!! :) I'm hoping to start a Shakarian Fic cuz I finally came up with a somewhat different idea... Hopefully it works out... Anyway I hope you enjoy this... There is some stronger language used here in Shepard's bursts of anger... Sorry about that :3

Dr. Chakwas sits in front of Shepard, leaning forward slightly, and a solemn look on her withered face to complete the look. Thane lays unconscious behind her on the med-bay bed.

''Shepard,'' She says softly. ''It came back,'' She sighs out. ''The Keprals. We're not sure how or why... But it's back. We need to perform another surgery, Shepard. If we don't, he might die.''

The Commander is speechless.... She doesn't know what to say. In fact, she felt sad and defeated. They had tried to hard, then they had won, and then, they failed again. Shepard covers her face, unsure what to do now, how to approach this.... This thing that was tearing them apart.

Shepard sits silently for a minute, shaking her head and making eye contact with Chakwas every few seconds.

''So...What do you want to do?'' Dr. Chakwas asks, setting a hand on the Commander's upper right thigh.

Shepard bolts to a standing position, the Doctor then following her movement.

''That's not my decision...'' Shepard mutters to herself.

''Excuse me?'' Chakwas tilts her head, her grey eyes looking into Shepard's green ones.

''You make the decision. Do whatever you think is best.'' Shepard turns away, not wanting to in the sterile room and not wanting Thane's fate to be in her hands.

''Where are you going?'' The Doctor asks, walking forward and catching the Commander's shoulder.

''I have to go,'' She states simply, trying not to break into tears yet again.

''What place could possibly be more important than Thane?'' Chakwas tries not to yell and composes herself.

Shepard feels anger now, it's bubbling up. Shepard thought that no one was more important than Thane. Nothing in the whole god damned galaxy was more important than Thane.

''How dare you!'' Shepard whips around and sticks an index finger in the Doctor's face. ''Nothing is more important than Thane. Nothing.'' She pauses. ''Don't you think I want to be here? With my significant other who is going through hell!! Well I would! But I can't. Wanna know why? Cuz I'm Commander Fucking Shepard!! I don't get a break. I'm not supposed to get a break, and believe me God won't give me a break! Shepard go get Saren! Go kill Geth! Oh No! Shepard you died! Cerberus brought you back? Well, we don't trust you anymore! Go kill the Collectors while I sit on my ass and smoke, Shepard. Shepard! The Reapers are here! Sorry we didn't listen to you three fucking years ago!! Oh, Thane's dying? To F-ING bad, gotta save everyone elses sorry asses. I don't get a break, alright? So don't accuse me of thinking that some stupid freaking mission is more important than Thane. Because nothing is more important than him and if he dies I might as well put a bullet in my brain. How will the Galaxy feel then?''

Dr. Chakwas stands, stock still. Staring at the Commander.

''Not to put a bunch of pressure on ya, Doc... But if Thane dies, I die too.'' Shepard turns to leave. ''Then the Galaxy is fucked, and you better make sure they don't bring me back or I'll do it again.'' She gets closer to the door than turns around one last time. ''I'll be at Grissom Academy if you need me.''

Dr. Chakwas stares at the empty space that had been filled by Shepard only moments before. She, herself, now felt pressure. They were doing the operation, but Shepard's words rang true. The Commander would no doubt kill herself if Thane died too. Chakwas had once thought that the Commander would not act so lowly, but no put in the worst place and situation she believed that Shepard really was going to be a danger to herself. Chakwas needed to get this right, she needed too. The Doctor turns towards the unconscious Drell laying on the med-bay bed. She was ready.

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