Chapter 13

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A/N Soo... I need to get this story FINISHED for Watty Awards 2013! :D So, don't be surprised if you see updates either daily, every other day, or every two days! (They should probably be that way anyway.. But...)

All she can see is Thane. All she can focus on is Thane. She doesn't have much time to think, all she can do is react. She sprints forwards, towards the drell who was tumbling down the falling platform. She doesn't know what happened to Kasumi, she was somewhere behind Shepard.

The aftershock of the explosion of the falling human reaper was catching up with them.

Shepard loses her balance and falls forward and onto her stomach as the platform continues to turn. She outstretches own arm towards Thane's outstretched one.

She needed to catch him. Please let her catch him. If she didn't... She pushes the thoughts out of head as their hands nearly touch.

The end of the platform is coming closer and closer.

Shepard makes contact with his hand. Then they both lose their grip and she reaches for his hand again. The end of the platform grows dangerously near. Shepard and Thane's hands reach closer together.

Thane makes eye contact with Shepard, his eyes full of sorrow.

The end is here.

Then. He's gone.


Shepard awakes with a start, sitting up immediately she scans her room. Her green eyes finally landing on the stirring drell besides her. She let's out a long sigh or relief. Thane was okay. He was still here and nothing was going to hurt him. Nothing.

Thane's eyes open slowly as he looks up at Shepard, who sits up besides him, leaning on the bed frame.

The clock reads 1:13 am.

'Siha?' He calls out softly, looking up at her. 'Are you alright? What are you doing up?'

He eases himself up so that he's sitting besides her.

Shepard looks over at him and gives a silent nod. Thane can tell however that not everything is alright. He knew that Shepard dealt with nightmares frequently, especially when she was stressed. Thane bet that this was what was bothering her.

'Was it a bad dream?' he whispers to her.

Shepard once again replies silently with a nod and looks down at the white bed sheets.

Thane moves closer to Shepard, wrapping an arm around her. She turns towards him and wraps her arms around his waist and sets her head on his chest.

'What was it about?' Thane asks her while messing with her brown hair. Chakwas had given Thane a few tips when dealing with Shepard's bad dreams.

Shepard doesn't speak for a few moments, and right when Thane is about to give up the idea of talking about it she speaks up.

'It was about the Collector Base,' Shepard begins. 'And when I had to catch you when you were falling.. Except this time I didn't catch you...'

Shepard was afraid of losing Thane. Out of all the things to be afraid of... Reapers, Cerberus, Merc, Threser Maws... Everything. She was afraid of losing him.

Thane guesses that it goes both ways because he is afraid of losing her too.


Thane and Shepard had fallen asleep a short while after they had talked. Their alarm clock goes off at exactly 4:00 am. Shepard groan as she turns over in the sheets. She was tired, grumpy, and sore from the day before but she has to push on. 

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