Chapter 7

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A/N Finally! This chapter is a lot of STG crap... Not a lot of Thane:( Don't worry! Next Chapter will be Thane filled... Since Shepard is gonna take a break from the battle field. You'll read why... It's not my favorite chapter ever... But oh well. Chapter 8 will be better.

'Shepard,' Liara says quietly as she makes her way into the med-bay where she was sitting with Thane.

Shepard looks up and away from Thane for a moment. Her eyes now fixated on the blue asari in front of her.

'Yeah?' She asks, making eye contact with Liara.

'Are you ready to head to Sur'Kesh?' Liara asks. 'Wrex is getting a little inpatient.'

Shepard looked back down at Thane again. She loved Wrex, but did he not understand that she just needed some time... Just a little bit of time with Thane. She wanted to be the first person he saw when he awoke. She wanted him to know that she cared.

'Shepard-' Liara begins.

'I heard you,' Shepard says sharply, cutting the girl off. 'Can't Wrex wait a few more minutes I mean.. I just want some time.' Shepard doesn't look back at Liara.

'We don't have much time left Shepard... I'm sorry. The female Krogans needs to be extracted now...' Shepard can tell that it had taken the asari a lot of courage to tell Shepard what's what and in some way she appreciated it.

'Alright,' Shepard says standing up and kissing Thane's forehead. 'Let's just get this over with.'

Shepard then turns towards Chakwas.

'I'm heading out to the STG lab, take care of Thane for me?' Shepard just has to double check with the Doctor to make sure that she would, although she was probably just crazy. Of course Chakwas would.

'Shepard,' Chakwas says looking at the Commander. 'Of course I will, I wouldn't just not take care of him. What kind of woman do you think I am?' The Doctor says  with a little grin.

'I'm sorry.. I just, I'm super worried and-'

'Don't worry,' Chakwas cuts Shepard off. 'He's in good hands. Go out and get the female Krogans for Wrex and be careful, alright?'

'Alright...' Shepard says slowly as she looks back at Thane. 'I'll be back soon.'

Shepard turns to leave with Liara and Chakwas gives her one last smile. Shepard returns it a little half heartily, but at least she smiles.

The two girls than leave the room.


'This is the salarian home world we're headed to,' Shepard begins, looking rather serious. 'They're not used to seeing krogan here so let's keep it simple. We land, get the females, and leave before anyone changes their mind.' Shepard stops walking and looks at her crew mates, Liara, Wrex, and Garrus.

Wrex sits on the bench of the Kodiak messing with his shotgun.

'I still don't trust a word they say,' He says not looking up from the gun.

'Let diplomacy play out, Wrex...' Shepard assures. 'You'll get what you want.'

'These females are the best and probably last hope for my people. Wrex finally stands to meet Shepard's gaze.

Liara looks over and then, while hanging on the the metal poles slowly makes her way over to where the both of us are standing.

'We'll bring them back, Wrex,' Liara says slowly and reassuringly. 'Don't worry.'

Wrex looks over at the fairly young girl and gives her a nod.

'I appreciate that, Liara. I wouldn't want anyone else along for the ride,' Wrex gives her a small grin and then looks back down at his shotgun.

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