Chapter 9

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A/N Hey:) This Chapter is mostly fluff and me2 canon stuff... Hope you enjoy. I decided that I'd be nice to Thane and Shepard and put some lovey dovey crap in their!! Like I said, not much action, but that's what Chapter 10 is for!

He looks at her, hands folded in front of him and on the table. Was she really falling for him? An assassin, and a deadly one at that. She sat at the table, making eye contact as she did. She had to act professional, not like a school girl with a crush.

So what she had maybe flirted a little before, she really hoped it didn't mean much... Maybe.

'I am-- I had been recording a message for Kolyat,' Thane begins after she takes a seat. Shepard had just helped him save Kolyat, or rather prevent him from assassinating a Turian politic. They had saved him from having Thane's life.

'How are things going with him?' She asks, mantaining eye contact and trying not to think about her feelings.

'It is difficult,' Thane answers. 'All things worth keeping are.' He pauses and continues staring at Shepard's vibrant green eyes. 'I never explained-- I suppose the story of my wife's death took you by surprise.'

Another reason not to pursue a relationship. His wife was dead, and many would rather not date after a spouse's death. Shepard was crazy.

'I figured you'd explain to me when you were ready,' She explains, staying calm and collected.

'I appreciate your patience,' Thane bows his head, grateful. 'I kept my work clear of our home life,' He starts, getting out of the chair, her eyes follow him. 'I assumed that would be enough to protect Irikah. That memory I mentioned before--' He pauses, looking straight ahead. 'Laser dot trembles on the skull. The smell of spice on the spring wind. Sunset eyes defiant in scope.' He says slipping into solipsism. 'That was Irikah,' He explains. 'That was how I met her. She saw my targeting laser as she walked by, and threw herself in the way.' Thane paces around for a bit, than sits down in front of her again, making eye contact again.

There wasn't going to be a relationship. Thane was talking about his dead wife... This wasn't going to work.

'I guess she impressed you.' Shepard says, tilting her head a bit.

'She woke me up,' Thane says simply. Then he slips into solipsism once more. 'Her body trembles. Not fear. Indignation. Her mouth moves. "How dare you?" ' Thane than stops and looks at Shepard once again, her heart skips a beat.

Stop. She thinks to herself. It's not going to work.

'You and I trained to sacrifice ourselves to save others. How often does a civilian step in the way of a bullet to protect someone they've never met?' Thane asks, hand folded once again. 'I thought she was the goddess Arashu,' He continues. 'She met my eyes through the scope, and my purpose faltered.'

'So how did she go from blocking your shot to having your children?' Shepard asks. Why was she asking that. If she ever did want him, she was going to ruin her chances.

'I had to meet her,' Thane says. 'The memory possessed and endowed me. I fell on my knees before her. Begged her pardon. She introduced me to the world beyond my work. Eventually, she forgave me. Later she loved me.'

Shepard looks down for a moment. She felt... Jealous. She knew she shouldn't. But was it wrong of her to want that. Someone to love her too?

'When you talked to Kolyat you said she'd died,' Shepard says, genuinely wondering what had happened.

'I let myself become complacent. I thought Irikah and Kolyat were safe. I stayed away too long, and my enemies came for her.' Thane tells her, looking down.

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