Chapter 11

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A/N Hey Guys! I started school!! :D That means I won't have much time to write though :( I'm really going to aim for a regular update schedule, so I'll let you know if I figure any of that out! :)

'Commander,' Cortez begins as Shepard gets ready to enter the Kodiak shuttle.

Shepard, who is adjusting her gun, looks up with ease. She had deceived people before. She had learned pretty quickly to not look like a deer caught in the headlights or a kid stealing cookies from a cookie jar.

'Yes, Cortez?' She asks as Garrus slips past her to board the blue shuttle, his infamous sniper in hand.

'So Chakwas cleared you, huh?' The man leans on the side of the Kodiak with his arm crossed, his bright blue eyes looking at her.

'Barely,' Shepard scoffs sounding completely natural. You can not tell that she is lying at all. 'I explained to her that it could change the course of the war and she gave in.'

'She's easy to have cave in,' Cortez smiles. 'Just lucky you were dealing with Dr. Chakwas and not Dr. T'soni.'

'You can say that again,' Shepard looks back down at her gun momentarily then back up at the shuttle pilot. 'You ready to disable a bomb?'

'Definitely.' Cortez salutes with a smile.

Shepard gives him a quick nod and boards the shuttle. They had to get out of here, and fast. James is the last to get on, he was still adjusting his armor and messing with his gun when he sits down in the shuttle.

'You prepared James?' Shepard raises an eyebrow and asks as the shuttle doors hiss to a close.

His eyes flick upward and he looks rather startled for a moment.

'Who me??' James makes eye contact with the Commander for clarification.

'Yes, you,' Shepard folds her arms. She can hear Cortez tapping on various controls from the shuttle's cockpit. 'You look rather... flustered.'

'Don't worry, Lola,' James replies, finally settling in. 'I'm always prepared.'

'Good,' Shepard smiles. 'Don't want a repeat of Sur'Kesh.'

'No ma'am, we do not.' James leans back into his seat as they hear the shuttle door open.

Shepard was sure that they she was going on this mission. Thane, Liara, and Chakwas couldn't stop her now. The shuttle's engine hummed as it lifted up and flew forwards and out of the Normandy's shuttle bays and towards the Krogan homeworld.


Thane awakes slowly. He had needed a good nights rest and that is what he had gotten. With his eyes still closed her reaches over slowly to feel where Shepard should be sleeping. She still had two more days of bed rest. The sheets are empty and cold. She hadn't been there for a while.

He sits up now and listens for the sound of running water. Shepard wasn't in the shower. Thane assumes that she went down to the mess hall to get a bite to eat. He rises slowly, as he was still recovering. If he stands up to quickly he sometimes gets hit with some dizziness.

Thane walks, more like limps, to the elevator. He sometimes felt some pain in his chests, but it was getting with the medication he was taking. The elevator door opens with a ding and Liara rushes out and practically into Thane, knocking him to the ground.

'Oh my!' Liara exclaims suddenly looking down at Thane, placing her hands over her mouth. 'I am so sorry, Thane! Are you alright??' She extends a hand out to the Drell on the floor and helps him up.

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