Chapter 10

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Shepard finally spends some well earned rest as she lays in her bed, her brown hair now tangled and her eyes drooping again. She didn't have to worry as much about Thane anymore, she didn't have to worry about missions for a few days... Shepard was lucky that Garrus, James, EDI, and Liara were so damn loyal and didn't mind doing some simple missions that didn't require her to be there.

It was the next morning and Thane was still asleep besides her. Shepard had only gotten up early to make sure Garrus, Liara, and EDI had made it back from Tuchanka, she was actually eager to hear how it had gone and how it had gone without her.

Sure, Shepard didn't need to be there but she had this thing where people would just listen to her if they were about to give up or shut down, or just listen to her in general. Garrus, Liara, and EDI lacked that sort of charm, if you would call it that.

Shepard was ready to get up and move, to talk, and to fight. She feels like a krogan when he wasn't fighting... Maybe similar to how Grunt could've been feeling during their infamous Collector suicide mission.

Shepard heads to Liara's office, hoping that she was still awake. Hopefully everything had gone as planned. Also, hopefully today with Chakwas permission she could head out to the Attican Traverse to rescue a Krogan Team, whom Wrex had called Aralakh Company. Then later head back to Eden Prime, where everything had started, to retrieve a Prothean Artifact.

Liara's door was open, so Shepard figures that she must be awake. The door opens upon her nearing it and setting off the motion sensors. The young asari sits on her bed, her info drone, or Glyph, hovering near her. She holds a datapad in her hand and is reading. It must've been fairly interesting since Liara hasn't noticed the Commander standing in her room.

'Hey,' Shepard says somewhat quietly.

Liara's head shoots up and she makes eye contact with the Commander.

'Oh, hello, Shepard,' the asari sets down her datapad and stands up. 'You're up early.'

'Well I was hoping to hear how the mission went... and to ask Chakwas if I was fit for duty yet.'

Shepard leans against Liara's doorframe, arms crossed over her chest.

'The mission went well,' Liara pauses, walking closer to the Commander. 'We did find some interesting intel however.'

Shepard raises and eyebrow, curious what kind of intel they found. Liara sees that as a sign to continue talking.

'Years ago the turians planted a bomb underneath Tuchanka's surface just in case there was another uprising. The krogan didn't know,' Liara turns away for a second and picks up the datapad she was reading earlier. She hands it to Shepard, on it was a diagram of the bomb that was placed.

Shepard is astonished. This bomb could cause massive damage. She could already sense Liara's next words.

'Well now they do,' She says. 'Cerberus has dug it up and is planning on activating it. If they succeed then the krogan definitely won't be joining us in this war, they will be to busy trying to kill the turians.'

'That's bad news,' Shepard says quickly.

'Exactly. Lieutenant Tarquin Victus, who is Primarch Victus's son, which I assume you know is in command of the ninth platoon, who is in charge of stopping Cerberus.'

'But he said they went missing...' Shepard says, remembering the Primarch's words.

'They're ship crashed, but they're okay... We had to take out a few harvesters... But that's besides the point. They're fine,' Liara reassures.

'This is definitely a delicate political matter..' Shepard says. It definitely was.

'Lieutenant Victus needs are help,' Liara then explains. 'His men are losing hope and we need to disarm that bomb or we're not getting krogan support.'

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