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The next few months consisted of Jessica secretly seeing Sam behind her family's back.

It was a week until Jessica's 19th birthday and she wanted to take a trip.

"Mom Im almost 19 and Sarah and I have been talking and we wanna take a trip to Paris for my birthday, do you think you and dad could.. Uh.. Possibly.. Pay.. Please?"
"Oh Jessica that's so expensive, why don't you go somewhere closer and less extravagant?"
"But MOM I wanna go to Paris! It's so exotic and... Very me!"
"I said no, Jessica!"
"Ugh! DAD!"
Dorothy rolls her eyes and Jessica whines to her dad.
"Yes, Princess?"
"Mom won't let me take a little trip with Sarah for my birthday.." She pouts.
"LITTLE trip?!" Her mom yells.
"Shh!" Jessica swats her hand.
"Awe Dorothy, why won't you let Jessie go on a trip with her friend? We have to let her grow up sometime."
"He's right, mom!" Jessica smirks.
"Why don't you tell your dad where you want to go.."
Jessica rolls her eyes and looks at her dad with puppy dog eyes, "Daddy.. All I want is a little trip to Paris.." She pouts.
"Paris huh? Well.. You have been a good girl.. I don't see why we couldn't make it happen."
"Ah! Thank you Daddy!  I love you so much!" She squeezes him.


Jessica's 19th birthday.

"Happy birthday, Jessica!" Sarah jumps on her bed, waking her up.
"Thanks, Sarah!"

They have breakfast delivered to their room then go out to shop and explore Paris.

"Look at how cool this place looks! Let's go in!"
"Jessica, that's a tattoo parlor" Sarah stops her.
"I know." She chuckles and walks in.

"Hello, can I help you?"
"No we're just passing by! Jessica, your parents will kill you if you get a tattoo!"
"Oh please! I'm an adult and what my parents don't know won't hurt them."

Jessica decided to get a crescent moon on her hip.
"You said hip Jessica, but that's your ass!"
"Sarah you're starting to get on my nerves!" Jessica rolls her eyes.
"I love it! I think it's gorgeous!"
"I didn't say it wasn't gorgeous, I just can't believe you did it!"
"I know, I feel so badass!" She smiles.
"I can't wait till Sam sees it!"
"Oh god!" Sarah rolls her eyes.

They spend the rest of their trip going out to clubs, drinking, smoking and shopping.


When they get back Jessica calls Sam and tells him that she's coming over.

"Hey sexy, I've missed you.  Did you have a good birthday?"
"I did!" She smiles and wraps her arms around him.
"Did you miss me?"
"Of course I did!"
"Hmm.." Sam leans in to kiss her.

Jessica starts taking his clothes off and Sam breaks the kiss, "Someone's eager tonight!"
"Shut up and fuck me!"
"Alright.." He picks her up and throws her on the bed.
"Ah!" She giggles.
He pulls her top off and kisses her chest all the way down to right above her pants line.
He unbuttons them and pulls them off.
"Wh- what is this?" He smiles and points to her tattoo.
"Well what do you think it is?" She laughs and kicks him playfully.
"I mean.. When did you get it?"
"I got it in Paris, do you like it?"
"I love it.. It's.. It's so sexy."
"Thanks!" She giggles.
"Is it still sore?"
"No it's fine."
"So can you.. Do stuff?"
"Haha!  Yeah, I can do stuff."

Sam goes down and kisses her stomach then moves over to her hip and gives her tattoo soft kisses and lightly sucks on it.

He yanks her underwear down and goes to her center.
"Ah Sam!" She grabs his head.
He sticks two fingers inside of her making her squirm under him.
He sucks her and swirls his tongue all around, "God dammit!" She yells as she gets closer to her climax.
He feels her clit throbbing and her walls tighten around his fingers.
"Fucking shit!" She yells as she orgasms and digs her heals into his back while she pulls his hair and arches her back.
He licks her up then kisses up her body.
"Fuck me, Sam!" She whispers just before she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a kiss.
Their tongues dance together and she wraps her legs around his waist.


A month later Sam and Jessica have been talking and want to move in together.

Jessica sits both of her parents down and says, "Mom.. Dad.. I uh-"
"Oh god, don't tell me that you're pregnant!" Dorothy says with her hands on her head.
"No!  No, of course not!  But I do have something that I wanted to tell you."
"Alright.  Go ahead." Her dad says.
"Well.. Remember how I stopped seeing Sam?"
"Yes." Her mom says.
"Well that never really happened.."
"What?  Jessica, we told you that you were not allowed to see him!"
"I know, but I'm an adult and I like him.. I really really like him!  He wants to have dinner with you guys and get to know y'all better... He just wants to talk... Please?"
"Fine Jessica, but if he says or does anything stupid then I'll kick his ass!" Her dad says.
"Deal!" She smiles then makes a squealing sound and hugs them both, "Thank you guys so much!  I love y'all!"


Sam rings the doorbell and Jessica runs down the stairs yelling, "I'll get it!  I'll get it!  I'll get it!"
She opens it and smiles at Sam before she kisses his lips, "You look so handsome, Samuel!" She smiles and touches his chest.
"Well I try!" She chuckles and starts acting goofy.
"Oh god!" She laughs and pulls him in, "Come on!"

"Mom, dad.. Sam's here." She smiles.
"Hello Sam. Dorothy shakes his hand.
Albert walks up slowly and looks him up and down.
"Hello, Mr. Lange." Sam holds out his hand but he stays silent.
"Dad!" Jessica yells.
"Hello, Sam." He leaves his arms crossed.
Jessica rolls her eyes and says, "Why don't we eat?.. Now!"

While they eat Sam was on his best behavior.
That was until her dad left to help her mom with dessert.

Sam scooted his chair closer to hers and put his hand on her knee.
He smiles at her and stays silent.
"What?" She laughs.
"You're cute!"
"Duh!" She rolls her eyes and scoffs.
He chuckles and kisses her neck then works his hand up her thigh, under her dress.
"Sam!" She giggles.
He gasps and says, "You're not wearing any underwear!"
"Shhh!!!  Stop it Sam!" She tries to push his chest away.
"Oh come on!" He sucks her neck and rubs her clit.

She hears her parents coming, "Sam STOP!" She hits him hard.

He moves away as her parents come in with the dessert.
She leans in and whispers to him, "You stand up right now and excuse yourself.  Wash your hands because you are not shaking my parents hands with where you hand just was."
He holds in his laughter and excuses himself.

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