Don't ever hurt me again...

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Jessica tried her best to forget about Sam.
She had to be one hundred percent focused on the movie, and didn't want him ruining it for her.

She went off to LA alone and didn't get to see any friends or family for two months.
She was extremely homesick and just wanted to get the whole thing over with.

She talked to her parents and Sarah every singe day, but it just wasn't the same.

Her mom called and asked how things were going.

"Everything's great, I just miss you guys so much!"

"We miss you too, Jessie!  You have no idea how proud we are of you!"

"Awe well thank you, mom!"

"When do you think you'll have a little time to come home?"

"Hopefully I'll get a small break soon.  I miss your home cooked meals."

"Aw baby!  When you get home, your belly will be so full of home cooked meals, you won't even know what to do with yourself!"


Three weeks later Jessica flew home to Minnesota and surprised her family.

"Mom!  Dad!  I'm home!  George!" She yells as she unlocks the door.
"Jessica?!" Her mom says running to the front door.
"Jessie!  Oh Jessie, my baby!" Her mom runs over and hugs her.
"Mom!  Oh my gosh, I've missed you!" She hugs her tight.
"I've missed yo too baby!  Oh I'm so happy to see you!" She says with tears in her eyes.

"Albert!" Dorothy yells.
"Get over here!"

He walks in and Jessica smiles.
His eyes widen and he gets such a happy look on his face.
"Dad!" She runs over and hugs him.
"My baby girl!  Oh Jessica, it's been so different since you've been gone!" He says hugging her.
"Yeah, George is the only one in the house now!" Dorothy laughs.
"Hey, where is George?" Jessica asks as he comes in thru the front door.

"Mom, dad!  I've probably failed high school!" He says locking the door.
When he turns around and sees Jessica, his jaw drops.
"George!" She hugs him then asks, "Why are you failing high school?!" She looks up at him.
"Let's not get into that right now, you're home!" He hugs her tighter so she won't look at him, making her laugh.
"Yes but we WILL get into it later!" His mom gives him a stern look.


Jessica goes over to Sarah's and surprises her.
Sarah's mom opens the door and she tells her that she wanted to sneak in and surprise her.

Jessica goes upstairs to her room and quietly tip toes in.
Sarah's reading a book with headphones on and singing out loud to "Achy breaky heart."

"But don't tell my heart
My achy breaky heart
I just don't think he'd understand
And if you tell my heart
My achy breaky heart
He might blow up and kill this man"

Jessica laughs and rolls her eyes then jumps on top of her and says, "Surprise bitch!"
She scares the shit out of Sarah and makes her scream, "Ahh!  Jessica!" She says when she turns around.
"Oh my gosh!  Jessica!  Bitch!  What the fuck are you doing here?!" She hugs her tight.
"I have the weekend off, finally!  Oh my gosh, I've missed you Sarah!"
"I've missed you!  Sarah, you need to stay with me in LA for a while!  I'm so lonely, you don't even know!"
"Aw Jess!  Are you serious?  Like I won't be in the way?"
"No!  Of course you won't!"
"So.. Me.. You.. LA.. Stunningly gorgeous people.. Sunshine all the time?" She smirks.
"Sarah, what more could you want?!"
"Alright, I'll go!" She yells.
"Yes!  You can stay with me!" Jessica hugs her.


A week later when Jessica has arrived back in LA with Sarah, they go out to a bar.
"You know Sarah.. I've been trying to get over Sam, and I don't know if it's because I was alone for so long, or what.. But.. I can't.. I don't want to be with him because he broke my heart.. But somehow I can't.. I can't get over him."
"I know Jess.. You know what you need?  You need to get screwed!  Getting fucked is a sure way of getting over someone!"
"Oh god Sarah!" She pushes her arm.


Two weeks later while Jessica was on set, one of the crew members came up to her, "Jessica, you have a visitor waiting outside of your trailer for you."
"Alright I'm coming."
Jessica walks over to her trailer and expects to see Sarah but sees Sam instead.
"Sam.. What are you doing here?"
"I miss you Jess.. I'm sorry, okay?  I am so so sorry!  I wish I could take back what I've done, but I can't!  All I ask is for one more chance, Jessica please!" He holds her hands and gets down on his knees.
"I-I don't know Sam.  I've tried so hard to forget about you.. And now you're back, and saying these things... How do I know you'll change, Sam?  I don't want to be in a relationship where I'm constantly getting hurt!"
"You won't be Jessica, just please forgive me!"
"Sam.." She looks him in the eyes as he stands up.
Her eyes fill with tears and he says, "Don't cry." Then kisses her cheek.
She turns her head as a tear rolls down her face.
He kisses her cheek and neck over and over again as he cries and says, "Please baby!  Please give me another chance."
She turns her face towards his and he kisses her lips.
"Please don't hurt me ever again, Sam..." She says in a whimper.
"I won't!  I promise you, Jessica.. It'll never happen again!  I love you."
"I love you too, Sam." She looks him in the eyes.

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