Baby Shepard

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It's been two weeks since Jessica found out she was pregnant, which would make her six weeks pregnant.

She still has not told Sam. She was waiting till after she saw a Doctor.

Jessica had an appointment during her lunch break, and since it was just her and Sam in LA, she went alone.

"Jessica Lange." They call her back.

They asked her what she was in for and Jessica said, "Well I took a test two weeks ago, and I've been really sick. I already know I'm pregnant, so can we just skip all the tests and go to the ultrasound so that I know it's okay?"

"Sure, just lie back and lift your shirt."

Jessica did what she was asked, and revealed her still very flat stomach.

"Before we do an ultrasound, I'm just going to check for a heartbeat."

"Okay." Jessica took a deep breath.

Suddenly she heard the most beautiful sound she's ever heard in her entire life.

Her eyes instantly filled with tears, and she smiled, "That's my baby?"

"Yes ma'am! And with this strong and slightly faster heartbeat, sounds like it could be a little girl!"

Her eyes lit up, then she asked, "Wait. Faster heartbeat? Is the baby okay?"

"Of course, honey! That's totally normal, and girls heartbeats are usually faster than boys, that's why I said that." She smiles.

"Oh, okay."

The woman does an ultrasound, and Jessica looks at the screen a little confused.

"I'm probably gonna sound like a horrible mother, but.. Where is it?" She asks looking a little embarrassed.

The nurse chuckles and says, "Oh don't worry, that's completely normal! You see, all of this stuff is the amniotic fluid that's protecting your baby, this is the placenta, and this little bitty speck is your baby."

"That's my baby?" She smiles.

"Yes it is."

"Awe! Oh my God, I'm gonna have a baby!"

Every fear Jessica had, was washed away when she saw her baby for the first time.

She still didn't know how Sam would react, but she knew that nothing and no one was going to stop her from being the best mom she could be to her little baby.

She always wanted a child, but just didn't expect one at this point of her life. All that aside, she couldn't be more thrilled.


That night after she got home from work, she was planning on telling Sam, but he was out with his friends. So she made herself a sandwich, and went to bed.

It was three in the morning when Sam finally returned home.

"Sam, where were you? I was worried!"

"I was with my friends."

The smell of cigarettes hits Jessica's nose and she instantly feels sick.

"Ugh Sam, you wreak!" She covers her nose and kicks him lightly as he get into the bed.

"What's wrong with you, Ms. Sensitive?"

"Nothing, will you please just go take a shower or sleep in the other room?"

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