Why Jessica?

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Two months have gone by and Jessica and Sam are still secretly seeing each other without her parents knowing.

"Babe, I'm going home this weekend and I think it's time we tell my parents that we're back together." Jessica says.
"You think they'll be mad?"
"Oh yeah!" She chuckles.
''But I don't care.  Honey, I love you and if they can't except that, then so what?  I'm not changing my mind... You can't help who you fall in love with." She smiles and lays her head on his chest as she hugs him.
"That's true." He rubs her back and kisses the top of her head.


That weekend when Jessica arrived home, she thought it'd be best if she broke the news to them, alone.

"Mom.. Dad.. I have something I have to tell you two and it's not going to be easy..."
Her parents both sigh and sit down.
"Sam and I are back together.  I know what y'all are gonna say, but I love him and he loves me!  We've been back together for about two months now and he's been staying up there with me in LA."
Jessica's parents sit there in shock.
"This boy has been staying with you, in LA?" Dorothy asks as Jessica nods her head, yes.
"Why are you just now telling us?" Albert asks.
"Because I knew you'd be mad."
"We just don't want you to get hurt Jessica."
"I know mom, but I'm fine!"
Dorothy sighs and rubs her head.
"It's not like it's just the two of us.  Sarah's still there!"
"Well.. Does he treat you right, Jessie?" Her mom asks.
"Yes!  Always!"
"I want you to bring him here so I can have a talk with him." Her dad says.
"Oh daddy, please don't scare him!"
"I'm not, Jessica.  I just want to talk to him and see where his head is.  He's not just wanting you back because you're in this movie, is he?  Because that is your money and you are not allowed to give him a cent!  Do you hear me?!" He raises his voice.
"Yes dad!  Oh my gosh!  He's not in it for the money!  Why can't anybody believe that he just loves me?"
"We're not saying we don't believe it, Jessie.  We just know how this boy is." Her mom says.


Jessica calls Sam over to have dinner with her parents and George.

The whole night he was a perfect gentleman with Jessica and her family.

They're sitting on the couch talking and Jessica's sitting right beside Sam, holding his hand.
"Sam, could I talk to you for a few minutes?" Her dad calls him out.
"Sure, sir." He swallows hard and stands up.
Jessica doesn't let go of his hand so he turns around and she looks at him with big eyes.
"It's okay baby.." He runs his thumb on the back of her hand before they let go.

Albert takes Sam into his office and sits him down.
"Sam... I just want to talk to you about a few things, for obvious reasons.  Why did you do it?"
"Do what, sir?"
"You know what I'm talking about, now answer me!  Why did you do it?"
"Well... I don't know to be honest, sir... I guess I was drunk and I.. was stupid.. I just.. there is no excuse and I know that.  I have apologized to Jessica and I apologize to you and Mrs. Lange from the very bottom of my heart."
"Next question.  Are you after her money?"
"Of course not!  I'm with Jessie because of her heart.. Not because of how much she makes.  We could make nothing and live in a cardboard box and I'd be happy.. because we'd be together."
"I guess that brings me to my next question then.  What do you plan on doing with your life?  You don't expect Jessica to support you your whole lives, do you?"
"Of course not, sir!  I've been working really really hard and I would love to one day become a playwright."
"A playwright?  Hmm.. interesting."
"It's always been a dream of mine, and now that Jessie's an actress I want that dream to come true even more!  I would love to be able to work with her!"
"Sounds nice.  Last question.. Why Jessica?"
"Why Jessica?... Why not?  Who else?  She's perfect... Everything about her is just amazing.  She's smart, she's talented, she's beautiful.. I could go on and on about that girl."
"I know.  She's an amazing kid with so much talent.  I just don't want my little girl to get hurt again."
"I promise you that I will never cause your daughter pain again!" He looks deep into his eyes.
"Good, cause if you do.. I'll kill you."
Sam just stares at him and nods his head.

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